Featured News Luzon A (North) Luzon B (South) Visayas Mindanao

DA-PRDP-supported farmer groups expand market, income through market linkage, access to financing

The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project has been instrumental in empowering farmers and developing the agriculture sector in rural communities. Through its technical assistance, the PRDP initiated market connections and credit facilitations, enabling farmer groups and associations with enterprise subprojects to expand their market reach and increase their income. Through the I-REAP … read more »

Stirring Up Support for the Mindanao Coffee Industry

Through their Convergence Initiative under the Subcomponent 1.2, PRDP Mindanao’s I-PLAN Component has provided increased market linkages for coffee stakeholders in Mindanao. The convergence for coffee brings together farmers, entrepreneurs, institutional buyers, local government units, the academe, private corporations, and other government line agencies. PRDP Mindanao partnered with the Department of Trade and Industry to … read more »

Paving the Road to a Food Secure Bangsamoro

Road connectivity in the Province of Sulu has been a longstanding issue for rural communities. For years, farmers and fisherfolk in these areas struggled to transport their products to market due to the lack of accessible roads. With the construction of MAFAR-PRDP’s first farm-to-market road in the Municipality of Lugus also comes the opening up … read more »

Mindanao Cluster Gears Up for PRDP Scale-UP

As the Mindanao Cluster gears up for its new project, PRDP National Deputy Project Director Shandy M. Hubilla gave an orientation on the PRDP Scale-up during their coordination meeting on March 7, 2023 at the Grand Regal Hotel in Davao City. In his presentation, DPD Hubilla talked about the strategic directions of the PRDP Scale-UP, … read more »

European Union Funding Boosts Coffee Support in Sultan Kudarat

The coffee convergence in Sultan Kudarat has led to the conduct of three batches of trainings for coffee growers in the province. The “Knowledge on Agri-preneurship and Productivity Enhancement” (KAPE) Training, which started in December 2022, aims to improve the entrepreneurial skills and management of coffee growers of Sultan Kudarat. With funding from the European … read more »

Mainstreaming PRDP’s Enterprise Operations Manual

Following the Department of Agriculture’s directive to institutionalize the processes of the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP), Regional Project Coordination Office XIII’s (RPCO 13) I-REAP component and Project Support Office (PSO) Mindanao conducted an orientation on I-REAP’s Operations Manual and the PRDP Scale-Up on January 31 – February 1, 2023 at Butuan City, Agusan del … read more »

DavOr coffee stakeholders joins coffee training

  The linkage and partnership among coffee stakeholders which was built through the convergence initiative led to stronger support for the coffee industry. A series of training activities is now being conducted in the course of two months after DA-PRDP turned over P1.2 million to DTI XI in support of the project on “Coffee Advancement … read more »

Training of trainers on agri-preneurship and productivity enhancement (Batch 1)

As more support is being poured into boosting the coffee industry in Mindanao, PRDP brews specific support for coffee farmers. Through the convergence initiative of the I-PLAN component, DA-PRDP is partnering with different institutions to fill in the gaps in the value chain for their champion commodities. With the recent launch of the “Knowledge on … read more »

DA-PRDP- brews Coffee partnership with DTI in Davao Oriental

DA-PRDP welcomes DTI as the latest partner in convergence to support the coffee industry in the Province of Davao Oriental.   A total of P1.2 million in support was turned over by DA-PRDP at the Mati Investment Conference 2022 (MatiCon2022) earlier today October 26, 2022, to fund the “Coffee Advancement for Productivity and Industry Development … read more »

AF2-EU-funded FMR to rise in Lantapan town

LANTAPAN, BUKIDNON – New hope rises for the farmers and residents of Lantapan as the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project 10 (DA-PRDP 10) signaled the start of the  construction  of the Concreting of Road and Drainage at Purok 3 to Purok 5, Kulasihan Farm to Market Road (FMR) through a ground breaking  … read more »