Featured News Luzon A (North) Luzon B (South) Visayas Mindanao

Project Support Office Mindanao Presents First Quarter Accomplishments, Lessons Learned

Constant updating and monitoring of subproject implementation play a critical role in ensuring that DA-PRDP stays on track in meeting their deliverables on time. In his message, PRDP National Project Director ASEC Arnel De Mesa encouraged all of PRDP’s Project Support Offices to come up with a concrete plan and actions on how to continue … read more »

Moving Towards a Food-Secure Bangsamoro

Lugus, Sulu – In a move towards a food-secure Bangsamoro, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Agrarian Reform – Philippine Rural Development Project (MAFAR-PRDP) officially handed over the 8.36km Farm-to-Market Road project to Municipal Local Government Units of Lugus, Province of Sulu on March 16, 2023. Funded by the World Bank, the project has a … read more »

Camiguin LGU Joins PCIP Enhancement Workshop, Prep for PRDP Scale UP

MAMBAJAO, CAMIGUIN – Working on firming up the Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP) for the province of Camiguin, the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project 10 (DA-PRDP 10) conducts an orientation and updating workshop to the key officials of the province on February 23, 2023. Local officials include the Provincial Agriculture and Veterinary … read more »

RPCO XI Orients LCEs on PRDP Scale UP

The RPCO XI conducts a series of Philippine Rural Development Project or PRDP Scale-Up orientation for the local chief executives (LCE) in Davao region. First stop – Province of Davao Oriental – headed by DA XI Regional Technical Director and RPCO XI Deputy Project Director Marila Corpuz. It was actively participated by Gov. Corazon Malanyaon … read more »

Mindanao Cluster Gears Up for PRDP Scale-UP

As the Mindanao Cluster gears up for its new project, PRDP National Deputy Project Director Shandy M. Hubilla gave an orientation on the PRDP Scale-up during their coordination meeting on March 7, 2023 at the Grand Regal Hotel in Davao City. In his presentation, DPD Hubilla talked about the strategic directions of the PRDP Scale-UP, … read more »

RPCOs Win Big in Mindanao Cluster Awards

PRDP Mindanao conducted their 3rd Mindanao Cluster Awards at the Grand Regal Hotel, Davao City on March 8, 2023. The annual awards ceremony capped off the Mindanao Cluster Coordination meeting which also marked the first time that all Regional Project Coordination Offices (RPCO) and the Project Support Office (PSO) Mindanao were able to meet face-to-face … read more »

European Union Funding Boosts Coffee Support in Sultan Kudarat

The coffee convergence in Sultan Kudarat has led to the conduct of three batches of trainings for coffee growers in the province. The “Knowledge on Agri-preneurship and Productivity Enhancement” (KAPE) Training, which started in December 2022, aims to improve the entrepreneurial skills and management of coffee growers of Sultan Kudarat. With funding from the European … read more »

WB Task Team Leader Mio Takada visits PSO Mindanao

World Bank Task Team Leader Mio Takada visits PRDP Project Support Office Mindanao. Takada’s visit to the PSO Mindanao was made sweeter with mangosteen, pummelo and durian which PSO Mindanao Deputy Project Director Noel T. Provido and the staff of PSO Mindanao served to welcome her to Davao City. Takada and other specialists from the … read more »

PRDP Mindanao Cluster Conducts Face-toFace Coordination Meeting

 With two big ticket projects in the works for PRDP, the Mindanao Cluster converged in Davao City for their first face-to-face coordination meeting in years. Representatives from Mindanao’s six Regional Project Support Offices (RPCOs) met with the Project Support Office (PSO) Mindanao to level off and discuss strategies and plans for the implementation of their … read more »

DA-PRDP 10 Briefs Claveria, El Salvador LGUs for PRDP Scale-Up

DA-PRDP 10 BRIEFTS CLAVERIA, EL SALVADOR LGUS FOR PRDP SCALE-UP | CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY- To prepare interested Local Government Units (LGUs) for the Philippine Rural Development Project Scale-up, an orientation was conducted for LGUs Claveria and El Salvador City on February 27, 2023. Representatives from the I-PLAN, I-REAP, I-BUILD and I-SUPPORT components presented the … read more »