PRDP mainstreams good practices, processes through KM
TAGAYTAY CITY, CAVITE – Spearheaded by the National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) and InfoACE Units, the nationwide knowledge management (KM) training workshop for the Department of Agriculture Philippine Rural Development Project (DA PRDP) kicked off on October 17, 2022, participated in by the KM core teams from the different regions of the country.
The training, which ran from October 17 to 21, 2022, was to capacitate further the designated KM focal of PRDP (NPCO-PSOs-RPCOs level) with essential knowledge and skills in realizing the DA-PRDP Wheel of KM.
It will capture the DA-PRDP’s rich source of good practices, innovations, tools, and knowledge and mainstream these into the Department of Agriculture’s (DA) regular programs.
NPCO M&E Unit Head U-Nichols Manalo, in his message, emphasized the importance of KM training and why there is a need to capacitate and level the goal of KM.
He also said there is a need to document all the processes and develop knowledge management products to institutionalize DA and all its partners. DA-PRDP Institutional Development Specialist Rene Manantan presented the DA-PRDP pools of innovations and emphasized the importance of developing a knowledge product to help explain these tools.
The main speakers of the training workshop were Ana Victoria Margallo, Arvin San Juan, and Reynelle Carino Eres. (InfoAce Cagayan Valley and Dr. Ferdinand Cortez/RAFIS)