Over 64K households in CAR to benefit from PRDP’s agri infra and enterprises
With four years into implementation, the Department of Agriculture’s Philippine Rural Development Project (DA PRDP) have reached over 64,000 households that are expected to directly benefit from various approved agricultural infrastructure and enterprise subprojects in the Cordillera, a recent report revealed.
According to the Project’s web-based Management Information System (MIS), this contributes to the 575,000 total household beneficiaries nationwide or 96% of the 600,000 target beneficiaries of the PRDP.
Under the Project’s I-BUILD (Infrastructure Development) portfolio, 52 subprojects with a total cost of P2.68 billion have been approved to date with eight completed subprojects, 38 under implementation, and six under procurement.
Around 54,000 households are expected to benefit from these infrastructure subprojects.
Under the I-REAP (Enterprise Development) portfolio, there are 50 approved subprojects with a total cost amounting to P130 million with 20 completed subprojects, 18 under implementation, and 12 under procurement.
These subprojects are expected to directly benefit around 10,000 households from 65 farmer groups who act as proponent groups (PGs) and project implementers.
“By the end of this year, we are targeting to increase the number of completed subprojects and move more subprojects under procurement to the implementation stage so that our farmers here in the Cordillera can start enjoying the benefits of the projects,” PRDP Regional Project Coordination Office – CAR (RPCO-CAR) Deputy Project Director Danilo P. Daguio said.
In detail, the province of Benguet has the highest number of household (HH) beneficiaries with 18,485 HH (21 subprojects), followed by Mt. Province with 17,172 HH (12 subprojects), Apayao with 12, 256 HH (15 subprojects), Ifugao with 6,729 HH (36 subprojects), Kalinga with 6,628 HH (10 subprojects), and Abra with 3,225 HH (8 subprojects).
As part of the PRDP’s Project Development Objectives, the Project aims to increase the annual real household income of farmer-beneficiaries by at least 5% and increase the income targeted beneficiaries of enterprise development by at least 30% at the end of the Project. ### ELVY S. TAQUIO (DA PRDP)