Ifugao leads PRDP funding in the Cordillera
In the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), the province of Ifugao is now the top grosser in terms of total approved subprojects funded under the Department of Agriculture’s Philippine Rural Development Project (DA PRDP), according to the first quarter monitoring and evaluation status report this year.
The total approved subproject cost for this province has reached P829 million. Kalinga province is second with P774 million total cost of approved subprojects.
The report also show that Ifugao has 18 approved infrastructure subprojects worth more than P802 million and four enterprise subprojects worth more than P27 million.
The infrastructure subprojects approved for Ifugao are composed of six farm-to-market roads (FMRs), one slope protection, five potable water systems (PWS), and nine communal irrigation systems (CIS).
In terms of enterprises, the province also tops the total subproject cost in the region albeit having only four approved subprojects under this component. These are livelihood projects on swine raising worth one million, cattle fattening and marketing worth one million, coffee processing and marketing enterprise worth more than P13 million, and the processing of export quality Ifugao Heirloom Rice worth more than P11 million.
The report further showed that there are no more enterprise subproject in the pipeline for the province, but there are a number of infrastructure projects pending approval.
Being the top grosser in terms of subproject costs, the province of Ifugao, especially the municipality of Banaue, has contributed to the present status of CAR at the top with the highest approved total project cost and number two in terms of total number of subprojects for the whole Luzon A Cluster (CAR, Regions 1, 2, and 3). -MABEL B. ZABALA