Enterprise PGs in CAR trained on participatory supervision integrating GRM, GAD principles
Proponent Groups (PGs) of enterprise subprojects implemented under the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) in CAR were trained on participatory supervision integrating the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) and Gender and Development (GAD).
The training was intended to orient the participants on PRDP GRM framework and capacitate them on a gender sensitive participatory management and supervision as they implement and monitor their enterprise subprojects.
It was held in two batches – from June 21 to 22 for PGs based in the provinces of Benguet, Apayao, Abra, and Kalinga; and from August 23 to 24 for PGs based in the provinces of Ifugao and Mountain Province.
Among the topics discussed included an overview of the PRDP Integrated Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework, GRM, integration of GAD in the project development process, and participatory supervision values and principles.
During the lecture on GAD, DA-CAR Information Section Head and GAD Assistant Focal Person Aida Pagtan stressed the integration of GAD principles not only during implementation but starting at the planning phase.
Social and Environmental Safeguards (SES) Officer Jesusa Surla from Regional Project Coordination Office Region III discussed the topics on GRM and participatory supervision values and principles. She emphasized the importance of seeking feedback from their members/beneficiaries and handling/resolving complaints/grievances and how these affect the operation of their enterprise subprojects.
Workshop activities were also conducted wherein the participants were grouped per province to discuss and present their outputs.
At the end of each training sessions, the participants expressed their gratitude as they were able to learn additional knowledge in terms of operating and sustaining their enterprise subprojects.
To date, the Cordillera already have 53 completed and three ongoing enterprise subprojects benefiting 77 PGs or Farmer Cooperatives and Associations (FCAs). ### Elvy T. Estacio (RPCO-CAR Writer)