DA-PRDP Scale-up holds BizCon with highland veg stakeholders in CAR
The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Scale-up held a business conference (BizCon) for highland vegetables in CAR on March 21, 2024.
To further strengthen the PRDP’s collaboration with various key local stakeholders in the vegetable industry, farmers cooperatives and associations (FCAs) and private agribusiness entities (PAEs) including technology innovators were invited to the BizCon.
Representatives from the Baguio Benguet Chamber of Commerce, Mountain Garden, One Farmvest Agriventure Corporation, Happy Farmers’ Cooperative, Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC), Mayani PH, Agri-Digital PH, AgriTerra, Regional Agri-fisheries Council-CAR, Taloy Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative (TAFARMCO), Bashoy Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative, Cada Hill MPC, Overseas Filipino Workers MPC, Duacan MPC, Kalanguya Cultural Community MPC, and Kalanguya Cultural Cooperative joined the conference. Representatives from the Provincial & Municipal Project Management and Implementing Units (P/MPMIUs) of Benguet, Asipulo, Tinoc, and Kabayan graced the event as well.
The event further intended to present the industry challenges and competitiveness strategies based on Value Chain Analysis (VCA) findings and identify potential subprojects for possible funding under the DA-PRDP Scale-up.
In her message, DA-PRDP Project Support Office (PSO) North Luzon Deputy Project Director Elma S. Mananes, stressed the involvement of the PAEs in the provision of enterprise development interventions to the FCAs.
“The PAEs will not only serve as institutional buyers to the FCAs, but as our partners in the planning and implementation of our subprojects, as co-investors, and support service providers as well,” Dir. Mananes said. She further expressed her optimism on the start of a more effective private-public sector partnership.
DA-PRDP Regional I-PLAN Component Head Dr. Susan D. Balanza also presented the constraints/opportunities and interventions based on the highland vegetables VCA.
As part of the program, each PAE shared their company/organization’s profiles, services, and support/resources. After which, a workshop was held to discuss relevant information on appropriate business strategies, and possible counterparts from the private sector, among others.
From the sessions held, the insights and responses from the participants were consolidated and assessed to determine areas in which both parties may offer and receive support from one another and potentially start new collaborations.
In her closing message, PSO I-REAP Component Head Jamesiah Badua-Lompero thanked everyone for their active involvement and urged them to keep working toward their shared objectives.// Elvy T. Estacio (RPCO-CAR Writer)