Coop from Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija aims to hail town as goat capital
Members of the Bonifacio Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MPC) from Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija began their aspiration for their town to be named as the goat capital in their province and someday in the country, as they received a goat enterprise subproject from the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP). Completed in May 2022, the Bonifacio MPC has since strived to sustain the enterprise despite its many challenges.

The RAEB team convened cooperative officials for a focus group discussion on their experience with the PRDP subproject.
In November 2023, the DA-PRDP Central Luzon conducted the Rapid Appraisal of Emerging Benefits (RAEB) of the subproject to assess its apparent effects to the beneficiaries. Led by the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Unit, the DA-PRDP Central Luzon gleaned data and information on the beneficiaries’ experience with the subproject through household surveys and a focus group discussion.

Goat raisers from the cooperative faced a challenge in raising an upgraded breed which are sensitive to bad weather conditions and diseases.
Members who bought upgraded breed of goats from the subproject gained an additional source of income with a higher profit due to the better quality of goats than the usual native breeds. Due to the sensitive nature of the upgraded goats, raisers did face challenges that they wouldn’t usually have with the native ones. Fortunately, the local government intervened through the municipal veterinarian’s office to help them take care of the upgraded goats.
The cooperative also generated income from the tractor and trucking services provided by the DA-PRDP. Other components of the P18-million subproject such as the multiplier farm, trading post, office building, equipment, and biologics, also improved their operations.

As the pioneer upgraded goat raisers in Cuyapo and nearby towns, the Bonfiacio MPC aims for their town to be known as the Goat Capital of the province.
Being in a small town, the Bonifacio MPC quickly caught the attention of other farmers in the area and nearby towns. The subproject paved the way to increase their awareness on the benefits and the modern ways of growing the upgraded breed of goats. Hence, the cooperative takes great pride in being the pioneer in having the said enterprise and pursue in making their town known for being home to quality breed of goats and a leading producer of goat-based products.
Following the receipt of the PRDP subproject, the cooperative has also been given other interventions such as support to their forage production from the Central Luzon State University and the DA’s regular program, a trading capital grant from the DA Agriculture Marketing Assistance Division, and trainings from concerned agencies to enhance their livestock farming. ### (By Ram Bautista, RPCO 3 InfoACE Unit)