Gov. Dakila Cua, RED Narciso Edillo break ground Quirino’s 6th FMR
Diffun, Quirino – The Construction of another I-BUILD subproject in Quirino under the leadership of Gov. Dakila Cua is set to commence.
Regional Executive Director Narciso A. Edillo, Hon. Governor Dakila E. Cua and Quirino Provincial Project Management and Implementing Unit (PPMIU) officials spearheaded the groundbreaking ceremonies of NRJ-Ricarte Sur-Magsaysay farm-to-market road (FMR) funded under the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) in Diffun, Quirino.
“This is the 6th FMR funded under PRDP in Quirino. This 13 kilometer-road worth 136 million pesos is very significant to us. It will directly support the coffee enterprise and it will definitely bolster this industry of the province,” Gov. Dakila E. Cua said.
“The Provincial Government of Quirino has provided its counterpart in funding this subproject. It has passed all requirements of PRDP and today, the construction begins,” RED Edillo said.
“Once the subproject is turned over, the PLGU and the beneficiaries will take care of its operation and maintenance. This will then become a grant,” Edillo elaborated.
NRJ- Palacian- Ramos and NRJ-Ligaya-Pagaduan FMRs in Aglipay; PRJ-Dibibi-Dingasan in Cabarroguis and NRJ-Maria Clara-Gabriela Silang in Diffun are four (4) completed FMRs which have already been turned over to the beneficiaries.
Meanwhile, NRJ-Gamis-Banuar-Calaocan is substantially completed with positive 22 slippages while No Objection Letter was issued by the National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) to Lusod – Sto Nino FMR in Maddela.
The former Governor, Gov. Junie Cua, the father of Dakila who has supervised closely the implementation of the PRDP-funded subprojects is now a congressman. The younger Cua vowed to continue what has been started by his father, to also supervise closely the PRDP subprojects to benefit the Quirinians.
Two more FMR’s to be proposed and implemented are being eyed by his administration. One is in Maddela and one is in Nagtipunan. (Dr. Ferdinand N. Cortez, RPCO2 InfoACE)