PRDP-Bicol SES Project Development Associate Cherry Soribello orients the participants about the Social Safeguards aspects of business planning.

PRDP-funded enterprise subprojects in the works for Bicol’s cassava, coconut, and swine

Date Published: September 5, 2019

PILI, CAMARINES SUR – Proposed enterprise development (I-REAP) subprojects, under the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP), on cassava, coconut, and swine in Bicol region are now being crafted.

The PRDP Bicol Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) is currently assisting the local government units (LGUs) of Bula, Goa, and Lupi, Camarines Sur and Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte and its proponent groups (PGs) in preparing their business plans for the proposed investments.

In order to fast track the preparation of the I-REAP proposals from the LGUs and PGs, a Business Planning Workshop was conducted for them held on July 30-31, 2019 at the Department of Agriculture (DA) regional office, this municipality.

The workshop also aims to guarantee the groups that their plans are financially and environmentally sound, and socially responsible.

Members of the Municipal Project Management and Implementation Units (MPMIUs) of the aforementioned municipalities attended the activity together with the officers of the qualified PGs, namely, Bula Farmers Cooperative, Maymatan Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative, Lupi Organic Farmers Agribusiness Association, and San Rafael Small Coconut Farmers’ Association.

During the activity, Bicol RPCO Business Development Officer, Patrocinio Collao I, discussed the PRDP I-REAP process, economic and financial analysis, and business plan outline which includes a description of the business enterprise, market analysis, operation plan, financial plan, economic impact, and sustainability mechanism of the subproject.

Aside from financial and market analyses, the Project’s Social and Environmental Safeguards (SES) Project Development Associate, Cherry Soribello, also oriented the participants on the Social Safeguards aspects of the business plan including the subproject beneficiaries, Grievance Redress Mechanism Framework, and social and environmental impacts of the subproject.

Collao and Soribello, together with Engr. Marianne Ariño, Business Development Officer, Francis Llesis, Budget Analyst, and Angelica Peñano, I-REAP Project Development Associate, assisted the participants in preparing their workshop outputs which consist of objectives of the enterprise, business overview, input, process, output (IPO) matrix, production assumption, marketing plan, investment needed, and initial cost sharing computation.

The DA-Bicol Regional Technical Director for Operations and PRDP Bicol RPCO Deputy Project Director, Adelina Losa, sought the MPMIUs and PGs’ cooperation in complying with the requirements of the Project.

Hindi namin yan magagawa na ma-approve by September kung walang cooperation from you (Without your cooperation, we won’t be able to have these business plans approved by September),” she underscored.

I-REAP is one of the four components of PRDP that provides technical, financial, and infrastructure support to eligible groups in targeted project areas within the priority value chains identified under the Provincial Commodity Investment Plans (PCIPs).

Through I-REAP, the PRDP aims to strengthen and develop viable agriculture and fishery-based enterprises to achieve its project development objectives of increasing annual real household income of farmer and fisherfolk beneficiaries by at least five percent per year and raising the incomes for targeted beneficiaries involved in the enterprise development by at least 30 percent.

The PRDP-funded I-REAP subprojects are also projected to boost the value of annual marketed output by seven percent. ### (Annielyn L. Baleza, DA-RAFIS V)


PRDP-Bicol I-REAP Business Development Officer Patrocinio Collao I discusses the PRDP I-REAP Process during the Business Planning Workshop for the Proposed I-REAP Subprojects in Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte held on July 30-31, 2019 at the Department of Agriculture regional office in Pili, Camarines Sur.

PRDP-Bicol SES Project Development Associate Cherry Soribello orients the participants about the Social Safeguards aspects of business planning.

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