Municipality of Quirino, Isabela proposes 1st FMR for PRDP funding
With the directive of Regional Executive Director to accelerate briefings on Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) to the different Local Chief Executives, many municipalities have shown interest to request for validation of their proposed subprojects.
The Municipal Local Government Unit (MLGU) of Quirino, Isabela through Mayor Josie Bella Juan recently requested the Regional Project Coordination Office 2 (RPCO 2) to send its Technical Staff to conduct subproject appraisal and review to the proposed Sta Lucia-Villa Miguel-Luna-Sta Catalina farm-to-market road (FMR).
The FMR, which spans 13.5 kilometers traverses the vast rice fields of Sta Catalina, Villa Miguel, Luna, and Sta Lucia.
“The proposed 13.51 kilometer- FMR traverses four barangays engaged in agricultural activities,” Engr. Norman Romero, RPCO 2 Rural Infrastructure Engineer said.
Quirino is a landlocked municipality of Isabela with 21 barangays.
Having heard of the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP), Mayor Juan requested for a briefing from RPCO 2 and forged a MOA with the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office 2 (DA RFO 2).
Rice, corn, and tobacco are grown within the road influence area (FMR).
Ramon, Naguilian, Dinapigue, Maconacon, and Quirino are municipalities in Isabela which have forged a partnership with PRDP. (Dr. Ferdinand N. Cortez, RPCO2 InfoACE)