Zero Hauling Cost
A Muslim resident walks along a recently concreted portion of the 2.6-kilometer Dawa-Dawa-Sitio Tubig Sina farm-to-market road (FMR) in Alicia, Zamboanga Sibugay, a subproject implemented under the Department of Agriculture’s Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP). Now 53 percent completed, the P23.5 million-worth FMR has already enticed traders to haul dried seaweeds from the village, hence practically reducing hauling cost to zero. Before the rehabilitation of the road, the community’s fisherfolk—mostly Muslims and Samal Banguingui indigenous people—had no choice but transport their produce on hired pumpboats. (Photo by Kathrino V. Resurreccion, PRDP-NPCO InfoACE Unit)