World Bank team visits garlic enterprise subproject in Ilocos Norte
As part of the ongoing 14th World Bank Implementation Support Mission (WB ISM) to the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP), delegates from the WB visited “The Commercialization of the Ilocos Garlic: The White Gold Treasure of the North Enterprise”, an I-REAP subproject, located in Bacarra, Ilocos Norte on June 2, 2022.
The enterprise subproject was completed in 2021 with the Bacarra Zanjera Irrigators Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BZIMPC) as the main Proponent Group of the DA-PRDP intervention, which is in support of the thriving garlic industry in the province.
During the subproject site visit, BZIMPC Chairwoman Mency Tolentino welcomed the WB team through a quick tour of the DA-PRDP-funded consolidation facility, where the process of sorting and packing of dried garlic takes place before delivery to intended markets.
After which, Chairwoman Tolentino led the presentation on the subproject implementation, overall operations, socio-economic impact on members and garlic farmers, and plans to sustain the enterprise.
A dialogue and feedbacking session with the PG and the participating Local Government Unit (LGU) was facilitated by the World Bank team to address concerns, clarifications, and questions, as well as provide constructive recommendations.
During the dialogue, WB Task Team Leader Eli Weiss commended the PG and the entire DA-PRDP team for its overall performance and hoped for the continued operation of the subproject.
“Thank you so much on the walkthrough which gave us already a very good picture of what we have been procuring or doing for the subproject. It is very interesting to see all investments that we have been doing in the field,” Weiss said.
Tolentino, on the other hand, also expressed her gratitude to the WB for the opportunity to expand their cooperative’s business and improve its services in the marketing of garlic to help both members and non-members of the cooperative.
Meanwhile, Usec Ariel T. Cayanan acknowledged the efforts of the cooperative for successfully securing a project under the DA-PRDP as it reflects their hardwork to strictly comply with the Project’s requirements.
“If there’s someone who should be applauded for the realization of this subproject, it is you, for strengthening the farmers, and we’re looking forward to seeing more cooperatives to be empowered like this to have good marketing opportunities for everyone,” Cayanan added.
The subproject has a total project cost of PhP23,164,443.64, making it the biggest enterprise subproject in the Ilocos Region. It comprises of production support such as a farm tractor, multi-cultivator, water pump, consolidation facility for post-harvest activities, a truck facility for marketing garlic, and other farm equipment.
Present during the site visit includes Ilocos Norte Governor Matthew Marcos Manotoc, Bacarra Mayor Fritzie Ann Kaye D.C. Gapasin, DA-PRDP National Project Director Undersecretary Ariel T. Cayanan, National Deputy Project Director Shandy M. Hubilla, the WB Task Team, local officials, and members from the BZIMPC. (Ericson M. Guiao, PSO InfoACE)