Web-based Monitoring introduced to RPAB 1 Members
“Maganda pala ito. Pwede mong makita [ang subproject] kahit nasa biyahe ka,” says Regional Agri-Fishery Chairman Vincent Adorna during the Orientation on Management Information System (MIS) for Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) 1 Members.
The system was introduced to the RPAB Members during the conduct of the 9th RPAB Meeting held recently in San Fernando City, La Union. This was presented and discussed by RPCO 1 Monitoring & Evaluation Unit Head Ms. Irene Tactac.
The MIS is a web-based system developed by the National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) of the Philippine Development Project (PRDP) to promote real-time monitoring of infrastructure and enterprise subprojects.
The MIS has system enhancements catering the needs of major stakeholders, implementers and project staffs in project progress updating and monitoring.
Project staff members can upload and generate revised program of work (POW) and S-curve of infrastructure subprojects.
Meanwhile, major stakeholders and implementers can access an executive dashboard which features summaries, graphs and tables on the progress of commodity value chain analyses (VCA), Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP), and enterprise and infrastructure subprojects. Finally, the MIS also has an on-line chat support for queries and technical assistance.
During the First World Bank Implementation Mission Aide Memoir, the World Bank recommended for the PRDP to adopt a performance monitoring system to guide the implementers if they are within the schedule or not and to mitigate delays. The MIS is the answer of the PRDP with said recommendation.
The RPAB 1 is tasked under the PRDP Implementation Management Agreement (IMA) to endorse the termination of infrastructure subprojects upon reaching 15% slippage.
Through the MIS, the members of the RPAB 1 can monitor the actual physical progress of the subprojects under PRDP. (Ilocos InfoACE)