WB reviews North Luzon infra and enterprise subprojects
The World Bank, major funder of the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) visited the North Luzon cluster for the second time this year as they embark on the 1st World Bank Implementation Support Mission. Together with the PRDP Luzon A staff, the WB team led by PRDP Task Team Leader and WB Senior Rural Development Specialist Samik Sundar Das journeyed Cagayan Valley to validate the current status of two subprojects in Isabela as well as to ensure the effectiveness of the subproject implementations in the province on September 1-4, 2015.
Dir. Lucrecio R. Alviar, PRDP RPCO2 Project Director expounded the significance of the activity in the course of PRDP’s implementation. “With the validation activity, representatives from the World Bank can see to it that our subprojects are deserving of continuous support considering the economic and social benefit that they bring to the identified beneficiaries,” said Dir. Alviar.
Furthermore, he proudly shared how the beneficiaries and farmer organizations have formed a stronger collaboration with PRDP and how the initiatives from the Project resulted to greater support.
“The World Bank stands behind our efforts of being hopes for our residents,” added Dir. Alviar. “Let us work together to make rural areas productive for a vibrant agricultural community.”
Supporting the aimed augmentation of the agri-fishery sector of the cluster, 136 I-BUILD SP preparations worth P10.95 billion are underway for the cluster, three of which have received the No Objection Letter 2 and are already ongoing construction. P337.64 million worth of I-REAP SPs were identified to support to the 29 enterprises of the component. Detailed figures and updates were discussed by PSO Luzon A Project Director Andrew Villacorta and National Deputy Project Director Arnel De Mesa who presented clusterwide and nationwide updates, respectively.
Pangasinan Provincial Project Management Implementing Unit (PPMIU) Head Benita Pizarro presented their Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP) for goat, mango, peanut and onion, while the PCIP for dairy was discussed by Atty. Eduardo Cabantac, PPMIU Head of Isabela. The two presented PCIPs are among the eight PCIPs (including Santiago’s CCIP) approved by the Provincial Development Council.
WB Institutional Development Specialist Douglas Forno dubbed the PCIP as a fundamental instrument essential in project implementation utilized by national agencies.
As part of the week-long mission, the composite team composed of key personnel from the World Bank, Project Support Office (PSO) Luzon A, Regional Project Coordination Office 2 (RPCO2), and the Provincial Project Management Implementing Units (PPMIUs) visited the municipality of Mallig to check on the status of the I-BUILD subproject named Rehabilitation of Olango-Siempre Viva-Manano-Trinidad Farm-to-Market Road.
Mr. Teodoro Lactao, a dairy farmer and a beneficiary of the Isabela Dairy Enterprise was also visited by the WB and I-REAP team along with the Malaya Development Cooperative’s processing plant in Mallig.
Atty. Emerson Palad, Undersecretary for Operations and PRDP National Project Director emphasized and commended how the Project has utilized key innovations and technological platforms for better efficiency. “Our utilization with various forms of technology is a reflection of the foreseen system of production we want our farmers and beneficiaries to make use of, with the provision of our support,” said Usec. Palad.
Vital issues and findings were discussed during the exit conference as well as recommendations that the WB team hopes to see on their next visit. “The challenge is for us to simplify things, not to complicate them,” said Mr. Das.
To identify financial and physical Project targets, the WB holds review missions all throughout the country, covering North and South Luzon clusters, Visayas and Mindanao. Previously, the team conducted its first visit and inspection of selected PRDP subprojects during the 1st World Bank Review Mission last January 20- February 6, 2015.
PRDP is a six-year project jointly funded by the World Bank, the Government of the Philippines and the Local Government Units (LGUs) that aims to establish a government platform for a modern, climate-smart and market oriented agri-fishery sector. (Kayla Arceo, InfoACE Unit- PSO Luzon A)

The validating team inspects the ongoing rehabilitation of the farm-to-market that will traverse five barangays in Mallig.

The World Bank is particularly concerned with the residents’ knowledge and involvement with the ongoing project. With this in mind, WB Project Economist Luningning Bondoc mingles with the beneficiaries of the infrastructure subproject in Mallig, Isabela as she throws questions to the attending residents during the stakeholders’ consultation at the community center in Siempre Viva Sur, Mallig, Isabela.

Mr. Ernesto Lactao (center), General Manager of the Malaya Development Cooperative shows their main product, flavored milk, to the inspecting PRDP and LGU heads during the visit to their processing plant. MDC is identified as the lead proponent of the Isabela Dairy Enterprise along with four affiliates. (Photos by Darrell Sunga and Jonnel Castillo)