Van Rental for the Conduct of PRDP I-REAP Project Implementation Review and Workshop, and 25th National I-REAP Coordination Meeting (SH-036-2024 & PRAS No. 2024-075)

Date Published: April 22, 2024
Please quote your government price/s including delivery charges, VAT or other applicable taxes, and other incidental expenses for the goods listed in Annex “A”.  Also, furnish us with descriptive brochures, catalogues, literatures and/or samples, if applicable.
If you are the exclusive manufacturer, distributor or agent in the Philippines for the goods listed in Annex “A”, please attach in your quotation a duly notarized certification to this effect.
Please accomplish and submit this form together with Annex “A” to the Office of the PRDP NPCO Procurement Unit/SBAC Secretariat, at the 4th Floor, New DA Building, DA Compound, Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City or email at on or before  May 02, 2024 at 9am. For clarifications, you may contact DA-PRDP Procurement Unit at telephone nos. (02) 8928-8751 local 2878.

Terms and Conditions:
1. Specifications here in provided are the minimum requirements of the DA-PRDP. Hence a bidder must not offer lower specifications than required.
2. Bidders/Suppliers may submit alternate offer provided that the DA-PRDP SBAC’s official canvass form shall be filled out with the the offered brand/model (if applicable), unit price, and total price, signed properly, and attached together with the Bidder’s/Supplier’s own canvass form.
3. Quotations may be submitted by letter, facsimile, or by electronic means.
4. Award shall be made on per: Item Basis Total Quoted Price Lot Basis
5. Quotation validity shall not be less than: Thirty (30) days
6. Terms of Delivery May 14, 16 & 17, 2024
7. Place of Delivery: Region VI
8. Terms of Payment: Within 30 working days upon completion of delivery /Service and receipt of SOA/Billing Statement/ Invoice/DR
9. Liquidated Damages/Penalty: (1/10) of one percent for everyday of delay shall be imposed
10. In case of discrepancy between unit cost and total cost, unit cost shall prevail.
11. Mandatory Requirements
a)    Mayor’s Permit
b)    BIR Certificate of Registration
c)    PhilGEPS Certificate of Registration/ Printable PhilGEPS Membership Account
d.)   Notarized/Unnotarized Affidavit of Undertaking (notarized affidavait of undertaking shall be submitted after award of contract and prior to payment)
Failure to attach mandatory requirements could be basis for non – compliance.


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