Twelve infra subprojects in Ilocos Region up for bidding
The Procurement Unit of the Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO 1) and the respective Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the proponent local government units (LGUs) in Ilocos Region have been facilitating the bidding of twelve infrastructure subprojects under the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) since October 2016.
These subprojects include:
Among these subprojects, the Rehabilitation of Tubigay-Baracbac-Nagcullooban FMR in Sinait, Ilocos Sur, and the Construction of Balecbec Bridge in Naguilian, La Union are already in their third re-bidding. As the PRDP employs a three-strike policy in procurement, the subprojects’ third bidding failure will result to cancellation of the project.
With this, the RPCOs and the respective LGUs are inviting contractors to participate in PRDP. They are encouraged to email the RPCO 1 – Procurement Unit at for more information. Contractors may also directly contact the above-mentioned provincial and municipal government units for information. (Ilocos InfoACE)