Strengthening the Swine Value Chain in Mindanao for Sustainable Growth
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – To address the gaps and constraints within Mindanao’s swine value chain, the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project 10 Scale-Up (DA-PRDP 10 Scale-up) spearheads the Mindanao-Wide Stakeholders Consultation on September 4, here in this city.
The activity aims to validate and assess collected data, ensuring that priority constraints are accurately identified and updated, while implementing targeted interventions across each segment of the value chain. This approach aims to enhance support and foster growth within the swine industry.
Participated by the key stakeholders across the region, including semi-commercial hog raisers, lechoneros, traders, dealers, meat processors, and retailers well as partner agencies from DA-BAI, NVQS, NMIS, DENR, P/C/MLGUs. Their participation is crucial in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the industry’s current state and challenges.
The active participation of DA 10 personnel, along with PRDP IPLAN consultants from Regions 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and BARMM and the provincial, municipal and city veterinarians manifested strong support in firming up the said value chain that will serve as one of the requirements in the approval of the subproject proposals.
In collaboration with the Mindanao Project Support Office (PSO Mindanao), this initiative seeks to unite key stakeholders in exploring solutions and strategies to strengthen the region’s swine industry and to abate the threats of African Swine Fever (ASF). (IAgawin)