Social media tools to promote transparency, awareness on PRDP projects

PRDP Visayas focal person, Pearl Mecha discusses the use of social networking site to disseminate information on relevance of PRDP.
The enhancement and maximum use of social media tools by the Department of Agriculture (DA) information officers will promote transparency and public awareness on the implementation of Philippine Rural Development Program (PRDP) in Western Visayas.
The PRDP- Regional Program Coordinating Office (RPCO) 6 Info ACE has conducted an orientation seminar on using the social media in the PRDP implementations.
PerlitaMecha gave the overview of the PRDP, a World Bank-funded program spearheaded by the DA which was designed to establish an inclusive and market-oriented agri-fishery sector through strategic investments in priority commodities, value chain analysis and infrastructure development and improvements.
RPCO 6 focal person Dr. Joyce S. Wendam said the training had enabled participants to better their understanding of social media in the advocacy promotion and giving the public with necessary updates on PRDP.
She added that appropriate use of social media provides ways to engage and communicate with the agricultural and rural communities.
Dr. Myrtel Alcazar of the DA-Philippine CarabaoCenter said that they are already using social media in disseminating information. According to her, the training has given them opportunities to explore on other uses of tools in social media to enhance their work especially in advocacy awareness.
She further said that learning about infographics (information graphics) is timely and can be used as a new tool in presenting status and updates of the program.
Other information officers who were hesitant before to learn the use of social media like Facebook and Twitter but the training changed their perspective. Social media allows immediate dissemination of important and emerging issues and positive information among people involved in the agriculture sector.