Siocon Abaca Subproject Gets RPAB Approval
July 17, 2020 | Representatives from the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rural Development Project’s (DA-PRDP) PSO Mindanao I-REAP component and SES unit together with RPCO9 personnel gathered in Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte to validate the proposed “Abaca Production, Processing and Marketing” sub-project for Siocon Abaca Service Providers Association, Inc. (SASPAI), the sub-project’s business plan was presented through virtual review before the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) for deliberation and endorsement for funding. RPCO9 Deputy Project Director presided over the virtual meeting with representatives from the regional office’s components and units.
DTI Regional Director Ceferino Rubio moved for the endorsement of the P7.8 M enterprise subproject for DA-PRDP funding following amendments and corrections based on the meetings deliberations. The move was then seconded unanimously by the six other members of the RPAB from DAR, MinDA, RAFC, DENR, NCIP and DPWH.

RPCO 9 Deputy Project Director Ferdinand Gamorot presiding over the virtual meeting with members of the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB)
SASPAI vice president Joel Alasco presented the business plan backed up by PPMIU members.
Through this enterprise sub-project, SASPAI aims to become one of the major producers of quality dried abaca fiber in Zamboanga del Norte in the ten years producing market quality processed decorticated dried abaca fiber that will meet the standards of the Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA). The sub-project also aims to generate additional jobs and increase the annual household incomes of its farmer beneficiaries by at least 5% as it seeks to increase the areas of abaca plantation and abaca fiber production in succeeding years.
The Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) is a special project of the Department of Agriculture jointly funded by the World Bank with assistance from national and local government units. (Photos and article by Remai Alejado | RPCO9 with Joseph John Palarca | PSO Mindanao)