Seven proposed subprojects for PRDP scale-up funding get RPAB approval

Date Published: November 5, 2023
Seven proposed subprojects (SPs) for Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) scale-up funding were approved by the Regional Project Advisory Board 1 (RPAB 1) in a meeting, October 24.
With an amount of about Php 967, 236,375, this marks a new milestone for the PRDP in Region 1 in terms of having the most funds granted.
In Pangasinan, proposed subprojects include the construction of three provincial multi-purpose drying pavements costing Php126.8M. A rehabilitation and road opening in San Vicente-Viga FMR with bridge was also proposed at Php290.4M. In addition, there is the construction of a provincial bangus breeding hatchery at Php239M.
Other approved subprojects are the construction of the San Jose Multi-purpose warehouse in Ilocos Norte estimated at Php11.9M and the rehabilitation of Ramot-Puguil FMR in La Union at Php298.9M.
These subprojects will be endorsed to the National Project Coordination Office for the issuance of No Objection Letter 1. Once released, procurement activities for the subprojects will commence.
The Regional Project Advisory Board members/representatives who were present during the meeting were Mr. Pedro Gonzales of DILG, Engr. Charlie Javier, Jr. of DPWH, Atty. Glaiza Bernadeth Tadeo of DAR, Mr. Benjamin Campañano of RAFC, Ms. Basilya Liwanag of DENR, and Ms. Aple Panes of DTI.
The meeting was presided over by Engr. Dennis Tactac, DA-RFO I’s RTD for Operations at the same time the PRDP-RPCO I Deputy Project Director. ### (Joan Dapidap, Writer, RPCO1 InfoACE)
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