Utilize Funds. Agriculture Secretary Emannuel F. Piñol emphasizes the order of President Duterte to utilize the funds intended for the people especially from PRDP which is a loan from the World Bank. (Photo by Sherwin B. Manual)

Sec. Piñol urges LGUs to utilize PRDP funds

Date Published: April 20, 2017

Quezon City – Utilize funds and bring rural development, the soonest.

This was the central theme when Agriculture secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol and some provincial governors met recently at DA central office to discuss implementation issues of DA’s Philippine Rural Development  Project (PRDP).

“Fund utilization equals delivery of services . If we cannot utilize the funds, that means we did not deliver the services,” Piñol said.

Some governors present in during the said meeting were Quirino governor Junie E. Cua, Ilocos Norte governor Imee R. Marcos, Gov. Gerardo Noveras of Aurora, Gov. Amado A. Espino, III of Pangasinan, Gov. Joel Baac of Kalinga, Gov. Alfonso Umali of Oriental Mindoro, Gov. Miguel Luis Villafuerte of Camarines Sur, Gov. Joseph Cua of Catanduanes, Gov. Alfredo G. Marañon of Negros Occidental, Gov. Florencio T. Miraflores of Aklan, Gov. Daisy Avance-Fuentes of South Cotabato, Gov. Edward Adoplh Plaza of Agusan del Sur, and representatives from Bohol and Iloilo.

Sec. Piñol and the some Governors during the DA-LCE Forum on PRDP.

“We want to hear you and know what it is that slows down the implementation,” Piñol said.

According to the agriculture chief, the order of the President Duterte is that any money intended for the people should be delivered in the fastest possible way.

Good and Bad

“PRDP is the best development project that has happened in our province. It’s the most transparent and objective,” said Gov. Marañon.

He cited that after a road was concreted in one remote area in his province, travel time of farmers, teachers and students was reduced by 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, among the issues raised particularly by Mindanao governors Plaza and Fuentes were the low turnout of bidders due to boom of construction activities which have easier requirements to comply with, and long process of review and  approval of enterprise projects.

Piñol in response noted the recommendations of the governors as critical input when DA negotiates for policy changes as Provincial LGUs are at the forefront of implementation.

PRDP Portfolio

In the report of national deputy project director Cirilo Namoc, the PRDP has a total of 372 approved infrastructure projects amounting to P19.39 billion. Of the number, the PRDP has completed a total of 25 farm-to-market roads measuring 72.85 kilometers in total; 2 potable water systems serving 1,266 households; and 2 postharvest facilities.

Of the infrastructure portfolio, Mindanao gets the biggest chunk of 42 percent, North Luzon cluster gets 24 percent, South Luzon cluster with 19 percent and Visayas cluster gets 15 percent.

In terms of enterprise development, known as the IREAP Component, a total of 454 agri-fishery enterprises have been approved amounting to P746.55 million. Of the number, 12 projects have been completed, serving a total of 3,528 farmers and fisherfolk; 33 projects are under implementation; and 409 are on procurement stage. (Sherwin B. Manual/PSO Mindanao)

PRDP PSO Mindanao team with (seated L-R) South Cotabato Governor Daisy Avance-Fuentes, DPD Araceli M. Morano and Project Director Ricardo Oñate, Jr.

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