RPCO2 M&E unit trains barangay officials on CMT
To prepare the different barangay officials for their roles to oversee sub-project implementation, the Regional Project Coordination Office 2 (RPCO 2) Monitoring and Evaluation Unit conducted a Training on the Involvement of Citizens in Monitoring Rural Infrastructure Subproject on September 4-7, 2018 at Ivory Hotel, Tuguegarao City.
“Your role in monitoring the implementation of the different subprojects will result to quality infrastructure. If these are durably built, these can have a longer economic life,” Regional Executive Director Narciso A. Edillo said in his message.
“Your participation cannot be gainsaid, for our rural infrastructure engineers are not in your place every day. Further, with your vigilance, transparency in subproject implementation will be achieved,” he added.
“The basic stages in road construction will be presented in this four-day training. The checklist on monitoring I-BUILD sub-projects will also be explained and you will have a dry run in one ongoing farm-to-market road here in Cagayan,” Ms. Bernadette T. Galoso, M&E Specialist said.
The resource persons were Ms. Marianne Poblete-Labrador, M&E Specialist; Engr. Dennis Flores, Roads and Bridges Specialist and Mr. Peter Gonzales, SES Specialist from the Project Support Office (PSO).
Mr. Peter Gonzales lectured on the frameworks of Social and Environmental Safeguards highlighting the Right of Way Acquisition, Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Environmental Protection and Grievance and Redress Mechanism.
“With your involvement in the sub-project implementation stage, these are the mandates that you have to know. Development is a welcome prospect without sacrificing the environment and displacing people,” Gonzales said.
On the other hand, Engr. Dennis Flores discussed the basic stages in road construction making emphasis on the different items using a sample engineering design. Discussing clearing and grubbing, compacting and concrete pouring, he said that these activities most especially materials testing should always be documented. The geotagged photos are requirements under PRDP I-BUILD guidelines.
“Materials testing is a part of the process of road construction. Quality has to be built in it,” Flores said.
The participants visited Namabbalan Norte-Baliuag-Bical-Cabbo FMR and used the checklist intended for Citizen’s Monitoring. The participants, in groups, presented their observations and geotagged photos after the field visit.
Officials from the barangays within the road influence area (RIA) of the ongoing Gamis-Calaocan FMR in Quirino and Virgoneza-San Antonio-Sto Nino-Dabubu FMR in Isabela attended the training. (Ferdinand N. Cortez, RPCO2 InfoACE)