RPCO 6 conducts Financial Management Training among PPMUIs and LGUs
Iloilo City – The Regional Project Coordinating Office (RPCO) 6 conducted a 4-day Training on Financial Management and Disbursement Process among members of Provincial Planning Management Units (PPMIUs) and local government units at Iloilo Midtown Hotel on May 12-15, 2015.
The training focused on strengthening the financial aspect and proper documentation of financial transactions of the PRDP.
Mr. Edgardo “Egay” Aure, National Project Coordinating Office (NPCO) alternate finance unit head, said that the training aims to prepare the LGU project implementers on the proper financial management and disbursement processes in consonance with the financial requirement of the PRDP, the Commission on Audit (COA) and the World Bank.
He stressed that through this training the participants will be able to have a common understanding and uniform interpretations of the requirements in the processing of documents for disbursement and liquidation of PRDP funds, and these funds will be efficiently and effectively disburse in accordance with the World Bank policies and procedures. This training will also provide adequate audit trail and necessary accounting controls to safeguards the PRDP funds.
Since most of the participants were new to the project, an orientation about PRDP was discussed by Ms. Elvira Costales of NPCO before the intensive discussions and workshop on accounting, book keeping, and ledger entry. Presentation of group outputs and critiquing were done to further internalize the topics among the participants. (JEEO/RSSII InfoACE RPCO6)