RPCO 10 Hosts Knowledge Management Writeshop
The Knowledge Management (KM) Writeshop continued to make rounds in the Mindanao Cluster with the third leg of the KM initiative hosted this time by the Regional Project Coordination Office 10 (RPCO 10) via Webex. Representatives from the different components and units of RPCO 10 were joined in the online activity by regional partners from the provinces of Misamis Occidental, Bukidnon, and Lanao del Norte.
In her welcome address, RPCO 10 Deputy Project Director Carlota S. Madriaga acknowledged the important roles the participants of the writeshop carried out in implementing the subprojects of PRDP and emphasized the importance of applying a knowledge management system especially with the good practices they experience in the Project.
“We need to manage the gains we have in PRDP in Northern Mindanao in order to share it to our partners for them to appreciate more what we have done in the region,” said DPD Madriaga.
RPCO 10 InfoACE Unit Head Mary Grace Sta Elena presented the rationale of the activity where she explained how KM processes forms an integral part in ensuring the transfer of knowledge from PRDP to the other agencies in the same field.
The main objective of this activity is for the participants to share their ideas, experiences, and information regarding the practices and innovations of DA PRDP within their components or provinces.
A very interactive session of lectures and discussions were given by PSO Mindanao Deputy Project Director Noel T. Provido who tackled the overview of Knowledge Management, and by Information and Advocacy Specialist Joseph John Palarca who talked in turn about Documenting Best Practices and Lessons Learned as initial steps in writing down good practice notes (GPNs).
In the afternoon, participants were divided into different breakout rooms according to their province and component to come up with a list of PRDP tools and processes as well as lessons learned from in the course of working with DA-PRDP in their respective offices.
Part two of the KM writeshop will be the presentation of their output on July 30, 2021. (Joy M. Montecalvo | PSO Min)