RPAB visits proposed PRDP subprojects in Region 1
The Regional Project Coordination Office 1 (RPCO 1) for the first time, invited the members of the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) to have an actual site visit on the proposed PRDP sub-projects under the Infrastructure Development (I-BUILD) that are due for review by the board. This will help the board have an actual inspection of the project site and will help them in their proper evaluation of the sub-project proposals as well as make important recommendations necessary for the successful implementation of the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) in the region.
The RPAB is tasked to review and approve projects for funding under PRDP. Consisting of six (6) member-agencies and the Agriculture & Fishery Council (AFC), the board likewise provides guidance and help ensure that policy directions under PRDP are carried out.
The sub-projects that were visited on November 10, 2015 in the Province of Ilocos Norte were the Billoca-San Juan Farm-to-Market Road (FMR) located in Batac and Sarrat; the Nalasin-Sungadan-Langiden FMR in Paoay; the San Juan-Saricao-Matilde FMR & Bridges in Pasuquin; the Lang-ayan-Sta. Cruz-Poblacion 2-Tupao Tigue FMR in Curimao; the Fortuna-Daquioag FMR in Marcos; and the Teppeng-Paninaan FMR in Bacarra.
Meanwhile, project sites visited on November 11, 2015 in the Province of Ilocos Sur, were the Pug-os Nagcullooban FMR covering Cabugao & Sinait and the Cabugao Mango Packing Center site under the Enterprise Development (I-REAP) Component which is located in Cabugao, Ilcos Sur.
The field visit was headed by RPAB Chair and DA-RFO 1 Regional Executive Director Valentino C. Perdido, together with Regional Agriculture & Fishery Council (RAFC) Chair of Region I Mr. Vincent Adorna, RPAB member-representatives from the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), a team from each province and the Municipal Local Government Units (MLGUs) who are in charge of the I-BUILD sub-projects that were visited, and the RPCO 1 staffs.
Region I has two existing sub-projects under I-BUILD that were already issued a No Objection Letter (NOL 1). These are the Tubigay-Baracbac-Nagcullooban FMR located in Sinait, Ilocos Sur worth of Php76,605,000 and the Rehabilitation of Balecbec-Basca FMR with Bridge located in Naguilian & Aringay in La Union worth Php113,777,000. (Vida Cacal, RPCO1 InfoACE)
More photos from the site visit: