Romblon, Marinduque PGs undergo CapDev training on Enterprise Operations
The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) MIMAROPA I-REAP Component conducted a series of Capacity Development trainings for the Proponent Groups (PGs) of DA-PRDP enterprise subprojects (SPs) in the provinces of Romblon and Marinduque, October 2022.
Members of the Organic Farmers, Producers, and Processors Association of Odiongan (ORFPPASO) attended the Coco Sugar Production Training last October 18-20, 2022. Led by Local Coco Sugar Maker Josephine Estares as resource speaker, the 22 training participants were oriented on the process of coco sap gathering and coco sugar production. This training was done in preparation of the operations of their coco sugar enterprise.
ORFPPASO is the proponent group of the Odiongan Coco Sugar Processing subproject. This subproject entails a processing facility, utility van, and tools and equipment needed for production amounting to PhP8.54 million.
On the other hand, a total of 19 representatives from the five completed enterprise subprojects in Marinduque together with guests from the Provincial Agriculture Office attended the Capacity Development Workshop on October 26-28, 2022.
Led by Enterprise Development and Marketing Specialist Cara Tomada and Business Development Officer Daisy Nazarrea of the RPCO MIMAROPA , participants were given an orientation on Financial Management, Basic Accounting, Bookkeeping, Cash Flow Management, and Enterprise Monitoring.
Aside from the actual training, coco coir SP participants were also engaged in market matching with the help of the guests from the Provincial Agriculture Office. Meanwhile, arrowroot SP participants underwent operations planning.
The PGs present in the Marinduque training were the Tanikala ng Pagkakaisa Multi – Purpose Cooperative (TPMPC), Malbog Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Nangka Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Butansapa Multi-Purpose Cooperative, and Bahi Agricultural and Fisheries Association (BAFA) respectively. (Danica A. Brutas, DA-PRDP MIMAROPA RPCO InfoACE Unit with reports from Cara Tomada of the I-REAP Component)

MIMAROPA RPCO Business Development Officer Daisy Nazarrea opens the Capacity Development Workshop in Marinduque by giving the participants an overview of what to expect during the three-day event.
(Photo by Jocelyn Madrenian, DA-PRDP MIMAROPA RPCO Admin Unit)

Resource Speaker Josephine Estares demonstrates the process of making coco sugar to the members of the Organic Farmers, Producers, and Processors Association of Odiongan.
(Photo by Rita Sarmiento, Odiongan Municipal Agriculture Office)

MIMAROPA RPCO Organizational Development Officer Jacqueline Castillo leads the mentoring and consultation session for the members of ORFPPASO.
(Photo by DjonaFaith Castro, DA-PRDP MIMAROPA RPCO Admin Unit)

MIMAROPA RPCO Enterprise Development and Marketing Specialist Cara Tomada leads the discussion on Financial and Operations Management.
(Photo by Jocelyn Madrenian, DA-PRDP MIMAROPA RPCO Admin Unit)