Reg’l Technical Working Group Reviews five PRDP-GEF project proposals
Overfishing, nutrient pollution, and climate change are only some factors that may adversely affect our marine biodiversity. Forming sustainable plans and innovative solutions that can prevent these dangerous impacts is vital to protect our marine environment.
To ensure the conservation of the marine biodiversity for the pre-identified GEF sites in Donsol-Ticao-Burias Pass, Sorsogon and Masbate Provinces, Philippine Rural Development Project-Global Environment Facility (PRDP-GEF) has conducted series of community dialogue, stakeholders consultation and crafting of the project proposals with the assistance of the LGUs, in order to strengthen the protection of the coastal and marine resource base in the project areas through biodiversity conservation and fisheries management.
Recently, the RPCO V PRDP-GEF had conducted the GEF Review and Critiquing of the project proposals for the five Proponent Groups (PG) from the Municipality of San Fernando, Masbate and Bulan, Matnog, Pilar ang Magallanes, Sorsogon.
The activity was attended by the members of the Regional Technical Working Group coming from the PSO NRM, RPCO V Technical Staff and representatives from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM), who will serve as the panel of evaluators to the PGs and give their assessment and suggestions to craft a quality project proposal.

Florizel Lim, Municipal Agriculturist of San Fernando, Masbate, presents the project proposal of the Fish Sanctuary Rehabilitation and Improvement Community-based Coastal Ecosystem Protection and Biodiversity Conservation. (Photo by: Michelle Angela G. Alfigura, DA-PRDP RPCO 5 InfoACE Unit)
“Madali na kitang makaabot sa climax” (We have almost reached the climax), this was emphasized by Mr. Lorenzo Alvina, RPCO V Natural Resource Management (NRM) Specialist during his discussion on the said activity. He also said that this will serve as a venue to let the PGs know the things that they need to change or improve before the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) evaluate their proposals.
The five PGs presented their project proposals to the panel of evaluators, and listened attentively to the comments and suggestions which they intend to incorporate in their proposals.
According to Nonie Enolva, representative from BFAR, “Magaganda na halos ang mga proposals, kailangan lang na magkaroon din tayo ng appropriate IEC Communication Plan para mas malaman ng mga tao ang importance at macapture natin ng maayos ang information needs ng ating mga audience” (The project proposals are already good, we just need to have an appropriate IEC Communication Plan to let our audience capture and know the importance of this project).
On the other hand, DENR representative Ma. Rosa Vida Onrubia, suggested that the PGs should be logical in writing their objectives on the project proposal. They should also consider mainstreaming the climate change into their proposals.

Representative from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Maria Rosa Vida Onrubia gives her assessment and suggestions on one of the project proposal presented by the proponent group. (Photo by: Michelle Angela G. Alfigura, DA-PRDP RPCO 5 InfoACE Unit
Rogelio Creencia of BSWM said that some of the proposals presented need to include watershed management to address problem on soil erosion.
GEF is an integral part of the PRDP which is divided into two sub-projects, the Marine Protective Area (MPA) and the enterprise. PRDP’s total project cost includes a GEF grant worth P287 million. GEF-funded Participatory Resource Appraisal-Resources and Social Assessment (PRA-RSA) activities will focus on the natural resource management and conservation in globally significant biodiversity areas, seascapes and landscapes, and priority degraded coastal areas. ### (Michelle Angela G. Alfigura, DA-PRDP RPCO 5 InfoACE Unit)