Puerto Princesa seaweeds subproject receives tools and equipment from PRDP
Pandan Marine Products Marketing Cooperative (PMPMC) received the first and second tranche of equipment for the Seaweed Production and Marketing subproject of the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP).
Among the tools delivered were one out of five units of Fiberglass Reinforced-Plastic Floating Seaweed Solar Drier; two units of 35-Footer (twin-engine, 16hp) Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Motorized Boat; and four units of Fiberglass Reinforced-Plastic Paddle Boats. These pieces of equipment amount to P2.5 million which is about 16% of the total subproject cost (P16.1 million).
“Fiberglass is certainly different. It is buoyant and light, unlike the wooden boats that are heavy and absorb water. We need equipment to use in our cooperative; it is what my members wished for– to have our own boats to use. We are relieved that we now have two fiberglass boats that we can use as a service. Planting is now easier because we now have a service,” PMPMC Chairperson Mario Mulato said in a phone interview.
In addition to the boat equipment, PMPMC was also granted with the following tools and supplies: one unit of moisture analyzer, 70 rolls of PE Rope #18, 70 rolls of PE Rope #14, 455 rolls of PE Rope #8, 18,480 rolls of PE Rope #4, two bundles of Double B-Net, and 2,100 pieces of ordinary sacks.
The Seaweed Production and Marketing subproject is part of the enterprise development (I-REAP) component of the PRDP. The I-REAP component partners with DA and local government units to strengthen agri-fishery enterprises through value chain and investments.The subproject aims to increase the income of seaweed growers by improving the quality of raw dried seaweed, to generate employment for residents and PMPMC members, and to increase farm productivity. These shall be achieved through application of site-appropriate farming techniques and use of modern post harvest facilities and equipment. ### (Danica Brutas, DA-PRDP MIMAROPA RPCO InfoACE Unit)