PSO Visayas update: Improved Bohol road nears completion
Project beneficiaries in Sagbayan, Bohol are now grasping and reaping the countless benefits brought about by the rehabilitation of the San Agustin Canmaya Diot farm-to-market road.
Even though it has yet to achieve 100% project completion, the easy and faster transport of goods to be disposed in the markets have been felt by residents from all four barangays connected by the road project.
In a recent monitoring conducted by the Regional Project Coordination Office 7 (RPCO), it is worthy to note that the project contractor, YS construction, has attained a 96 percentage rate of completion or has substantially completed the project as of July 26, 2016.
In order to acquire a full completion project status, the contractor must furnish a letter request to the Provincial Project Implementing and Management Unit for a time extension for the remaining 4%.
The Php 48 million 5.8 kilometer FMR underwent rehabilitation works last September 8, 2015.
The San Agustin Canmaya Diot FMR is just one of the farm-to-market road projects in Bohol jointly funded by World Bank, National government and Local Government Unit under the Philippine Rural Development Project. (Bexmae P. Jumao-as, PRDP-RPCO 7, InfoACE)