PSO Mindanao Conducts RAEB Orientation with MAFAR-BARMM
A team from the Project Support Office Mindanao met with the PRDP MAFAR BARMM to orient them on the use of the Rapid Appraisal of Emerging Benefits (RAEB) on January 31, 2023.
The four-day orientation and training is meant to prepare the PRDP BARMM team for the actual conduct of RAEB on the “Rehabilitation/Concreting of Barangay Manion Farm-to-Market Road” in Parang, Maguindanao on February 13-17, 2023. The joint team also conducted their initial coordination and consultation with the Local Government of Parang and officials of Barangay Manion who assisted in respondent identification & sampling. This will be the first RAEB to be conducted in BARMM since the Project started in 2014.
The RAEB is an evaluation tool designed by PRDP to assess the impact of their implemented projects through the conduct of household surveys and interviews of subproject beneficiaries. Through this, PRDP is able to determine whether their subprojects are able to achieve their intended objectives and determine solutions, practices and sustainable measures for successful subproject implementation.
MAFAR-BARMM Minister Mohammad Yacob welcomed the chance for their staff to be trained on PRDP’s tools and processes citing the importance of knowing how their subprojects are helping improve the lives of their beneficiaries. He added that the partnership between MAFAR-BARMM and the Project Support Office Mindanao is important towards elevating grassroots rural development to be at par with high standards followed by PRDP.
Present during the orientation & training were staff from MAFAR-BARMM’s M&E, GGU, SES, I-BUILD, Econ and InfoAce along with representatives from the Local Government Unit of Parang.#(Joseph John Palarca | PSO Mindanao)