PRDP-WB to fund P250 M farm to market road in Passi City
PASSI CITY– “The proposed 28 kilometers concrete Farm to Market Road will definitely help the people not only in Passi City but also in Central Panay which is connected to other towns in Iloilo and Capiz and will link us up to 11 towns of the Fifth District of the province” Mayor Jesry T. Palmares , Passi City Mayor said.
Palmares said, “ We are very sure this will trigger big socio-economic upliftment considering the livestock and other farm products access to market ”.
Once completed the road network will also support and sustain the peace and order condition and emergency response to mitigate disaster in Central Iloilo.
Both Mayor Palmares and Provincial Governor Arthur Defensor Sr. committed to extend financial support as their counterpart to implement and complete the project.
A composite engineering team from the Department of Agriculture Central Office, PSO Visayas, Provincial government and the Passi City has conducted an ocular survey on October 28, 2014 to validate technical and social data of the proposed project.
During the DA Management Committee meeting on Monday November 18 , 2014 Director Larry P. Nacionales, Regional Executive Director of DA-Region 6 said, “once approved the proposed 28 – kilometer FMR will cost P250 Million to be funded by the Philippine Rural Development Project , a special DA project funded by World Bank”.
Based on official update PSO Visayas has identified 115 kilometers of proposed FMR projects for the whole Visayas Cluster (Regions 6,7 and 8) under I-Build Component with an estimated total cost of P1,006,879,970.81.
For Region 6 covers Toboso and Cadiz, Negros Occidental, Pontevedra and Maayon of Capiz, Passi City, Iloilo and Laua-an in Antique. Region 7 include Balilihan, Catigbian Loboc and Sagbayan all inBohol Province, meanwhile in Region 8 priority include Basey and Sta Rita of Eastern Samar, San Roque, Northern Samar, Balangkayan and Maydolong of Eastern Samar and Sogod Southern Leyte.
Director Nacionales urged the DA-PRDP Management Team to “think out of the box” and relate the livelihood related projects towards a bigger perspective of future socio-economic development for the next five years and beyond.(Richelieu V. Umel,PSO Visayas Info ACE)