PRDP-PSO North Luzon holds VCA on mango in Pangasinan
The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Project Support Office (PSO) North Luzon cluster, in cooperation with Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) 1, held a Value Chain (VC) Assessment on mango commodity in six (6) municipalities of Pangasinan from January 10-14, 2021.
The said assessment was conducted to determine whether the desired outcomes for the mango value chain were attained through the VCA translated into Provincial Commodity Investment Plans (PCIP), a three-year rolling plan that serves as the basis for identifying necessary infrastructure and enterprise development (I-BUILD and I-REAP) subprojects that can be funded by PRDP with counterparts from the LGUs.
Moreover, it evaluates how the VCA was utilized as a planning tool and how it affected the planning, budgeting and implementation of agri-fishery interventions of the DA, Local Government Units (LGUs), and other key players. It also assesses the sustainability of the mango value chain’s positive results.
Mango farmers and Local Government Unit (LGU) agri officials from Bayambang, Malasiqui, San Carlos City, Umingan, Villasis, and Urdaneta City, participated in the assessment.
The activities include Key Informant Interviews (KII), Household Survey, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which were jointly facilitated by representatives from PSO North Luzon (I-REAP Component, M&E and Econ Units) and the I-PLAN component of RPCO 1.
Ericson M. Guiao (PSO InfoACE)