PRDP Processes, tools, innovations institutionalize to DA Regular Operation
Date Published: February 28, 2022
, , | Participants from the Department of Agriculture 12 shared the current level of integration and adoption of PRDP innovations at their regional level particularly for their infrastructure, enterprise, and planning sections in a four day workshop in General Santos City .
In their series of presentations, the Regional Project Coordination 12 (RPCO 12) showed that they have already started the mainstreaming initiatives through their I-PLAN, I-REAP, I-BUILD, and I-SUPPORT Components.
The workshop facilitator, PSO Mindanao’s I-PLAN Specialist Elden Karl Requilme showed that most of the participants from DA regular were already familiar with some of the PRDP tools, processes, and innovations because they were already institutionalized in their system.
This activity was also conducted in response to the recent Memorandum Order No. 75 Series of 2021 issued by Department of Agriculture Secretary William Dar on integration of PRDP innovations in the various program of the Department of Agriculture in line with the “OneDA Agenda” key strategies toward transformative agriculture and fishery sector.
As part of the leveling off, Regional Project Coordination 12 I-PLAN Component Head Nelly E. Ylanan presented the rationale of activity as well as the mainstreaming initiatives taken by I-PLAN. Market Specialist III/EDMS Jossa Jomuad also presented the I-REAP initiatives where one of these was the enterprise assessment tool.
For IBUILD initiatives, RPCO 12 IBUILD Component Head Engr. Jocelyn Torres discussed the three innovations mainstreamed under its component. Lastly, RPCO 12 Monitoring and Evaluation Unit Head Jessa Honeylet Fong presented the I-SUPPORT mainstreaming initiatives such as use of geotagging tools.
PSO Mindanao IPLAN Specialist Elden Karl Requilme also briefly presented the PRDP Tools and Processes Mainstreaming Framework.
In the afternoon, a knowledge sharing activity was conducted where I-PLAN Specialist Requilme presented the existing tools under the I-PLAN Component such as Value Chain Analysis, Provincial Commodity Investment Plan, and Expanded Vulnerability & Suitability Analysis (eVSA).
Meanwhile, PSO Mindanao’s Monitoring and Evaluation Unit Head Joseph Rico also presented the tools and innovations used in monitoring and evaluation activity such as Rapid Appraisal of Emerging Benefit (RAEB), Citizens Monitoring Activity, and Kobo Tool.
They also discussed the participants’ output from the workshop where they were able to draw out the different challenges and gaps in the integration process. (Joy Montecalvo, PSO Mindanao)