PRDP mainstreams VCA preparation to LGUs, DA-attached agencies in CALABARZON
The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project Regional Project Coordination Office CALABARZON and Project Support Office South Luzon trained local government units and DA-attached agencies in CALABARZON on the value chain analysis development of agricultural commodities. This is part of the DA-PRDP’s efforts to mainstream and integrate its tools and processes into the DA system and local government units.
The four-day activity covered the following topics: VCA overview, commodity prioritization, data collection and analysis, product description, supply analysis, environment, benchmarking, value chain mapping, key players and functions, nature and interfirm relationships, price and cost structure per player and relative financial position, market and market opportunities, support services, constraints and opportunities, upgrading strategies, and competitiveness direction. The discussions were led by representatives of the I-PLAN component of the PRDP 4A and PSO.
To further encourage the adoption of VCA development, the PRDP 4A requested the participation of the provincial local government units and DA4A in updating the VCA of cacao and chicken egg to be conducted in November. The representatives from the LGUs shall assist the PRDP 4A I-PLAN in the following activities: data collection, analysis, writing workshops, and stakeholder consultations.o, chicken egg, and seaweeds. As part of the training, they underwent workshops applying the topics discussed, such as data collection and processing from FAO Stat and PSA OpenStat, and the development of value chain maps, geographical flow maps, marketing channels, cost and return analyses, problem tree analyses, and visioning exercises.
To further encourage the adoption of VCA development, the PRDP 4A requested the participation of the provincial local government units and DA4A in updating the VCA of cacao and chicken in November. The representatives from the LGUs shall assist the PRDP 4A I-PLAN in the following activities: data collection, analysis, writing workshops, and stakeholder consultations.
“We hope that this activity will not only capacitate but also encourage the DA, attached agencies, and LGUs to adopt the development of VCAs in their processes and operations. Their extensive experience and knowledge in the agriculture and fisheries sector in their locality will be very helpful in developing more responsive and improved programs and services for the agriculture and fishery sector,” shared Ms. Ma. Edna de Jesus, I-PLAN 4A Component Head.

PRDP South Luzon Cluster I-PLAN Component Head Jo Libarnes and Planning Officer Alene Gregorio analyze the problem tree output of the participants.

Participants present their output for the visioning exercise which details their projected situation for the chicken egg commodity.

PRDP team assist the participants in collecting data on their respective commodity for their outputs.

Participants collaborate on forming the value chain analysis map of the seaweed commodity as part of their exercise.

Participants were given a demonstration on how to collect data from databases such as FAO Stat and Open Stat.

PRDP 4A Planning Officer Mary Ann Macaraig discusses the market and market opportunities section of the Value Chain Analysis.