PRDP-GEF & LGU partners discuss updates & plans to expedite delivery of interventions in Bicol
In order to assist partner Local Government Units (LGUs) in expediting physical and financial targets, as well as gather updates on Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded subprojects in Bicol, the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development (DA-PRDP) Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) Bicol conducted the GEF Coordination Meeting on September 14, 2021.
Held virtually, the meeting discussed the status of several subprojects in the region, namely, Marine Reserve and Fish Sanctuary Protection and Reservation Bantigue Marine Reserve and Fish Sanctuary in Pilar, Sorsogon; the Fish Sanctuary Rehabilitation Magallanes Sanctuary and Marine Reserve Rehabilitation in Magallanes, Sorsogon; the Fish Sanctuary Rehabilitation (Community-Based Coastal Ecosystem Protection and Biodiversity Conservation) in Matnog, Sorsogon; and the Rehabilitation of Butag Bay Fish Sanctuary and Marine Reserve in Bulan, Sorsogon.
Likewise, issues and concerns were also raised for GEF microenterprise subprojects, such as the Milkfish Culture and Marketing in Pilar, Sorsogon, the Seaweeds Production Project and Grouper Culture Proponent in Matnog, Sorsogon, and the Butag Green Grouper Fishcage Production Project in Bulan, Sorsogon.
Furthermore, activities conducted in the four (4) Marine Protected Area (MPA) sites in Sorsogon were presented, as well as the plan of action to fast track the procurement of the remaining interventions for the GEF microenterprise subprojects in the province. These include the delivery and installation of econo-cage worth PhP2.2 million in Bulan, Sorsogon by December; delivery of fiberglass boats and weighing scale in Matnog, Sorsogon; and supply and delivery of fuel to Pilar and Magallanes, Sorsogon.
Partner LGUs with DA-PRDP GEF-funded subprojects will also receive capacity building and institutional development and management, which include IEC and Public Consultation for MPA and Coastal Resource Management (CRM) Training, Bantay Dagat Training and Deputization, Training on the Rescue of Stranded Marine Mammals and Other Wildlife, and Training on Strengthening of Fisherfolk Organization.
Based from the latest PRDP-GEF Bicol Project Status Report, MPA subprojects in five (5) GEF sites in Bicol, including the Community-based Coastal Ecosystem Protection and Biodiversity Conservation in San Fernando, Masbate, have a 100% financial progress and 57% physical progress. Meanwhile, GEF-funded microenterprise subprojects have a total of 97% financial progress and 70% physical progress.
DA-PRDP RPCO Bicol Deputy Project Director Adelina Losa expressed that the management of GEF-funded subprojects will further protect marine resources and provide more livelihood opportunities for target beneficiaries.
“We need to further intensify and sustain our efforts to facilitate the management of the marine resources and protect the coastal ecosystems in our GEF-funded subprojects. Consistent success in doing so will not only generate livelihoods for our targeted communities but also ensure our country’s food security, especially now that the threat of COVID-19 lingers not only in our region but nationwide. Likewise, it will also safeguard our coastal environments from overexploitation as a result of the pandemic’s negative impact on the economy,” Director Losa said. (Annielyn L. Baleza, DA RAFIS V/PRDP RPCO V InfoACE Unit)