PRDP Capacitates coffee farmer groups in Region XII, Caraga
Coffee farmer-beneficiaries of enterprise subprojects implemented by the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) underwent a five-day training on Good Agricultural Practices on Coffee Production and Processing in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat.This endeavor is part of the capacitation efforts for farmer groups involved in PRDP subproject implementation.
The training program aims to develop the knowledge and skills of the proponent groups, partner implementers, and individual farmers on good agricultural practices for coffee to improve quality and generate higher incomes.
A total of 11 farmer groups of coffee farmers from South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat and CARAGA Region participated in the five-day training.
”In PRDP, we seize every opportunity to implement appropriate measures and craft plans and strategies to improve the quality of good agricultural practices (GAP) for coffee and generate higher incomes for our farmers,” PRDP National Project Director Arnel de Mesa expressed through a vide message.
He added that through the training, key players were capacitated thereby enhancing their skills as they go further in the learning process on proper coffee production, post-harvest and processing management protocols.
“I highly acknowledge the presence of our proponent groups from our partner LGUs, since this will become an avenue for you to share your experiences, challenges and bottlenecks, and realizations that will aid the PRDP and local government units to address your most pressing concerns,” he also noted.
The National Project Coordination Office in partnership with Project Support Office-Mindanao and Regional Project Coordination Office XII and PhilCAFE Project funded by USDA and implemented by ACDI/VOCA facilitated the activity.
The training focused on GAP on Coffee Production, Farm Management, Integrated Pest and Disease Management, Pruning, Rejuvenation and Processing.
Allan Datu Iman of PhilCafe and one of the trainers emphasized the GAP in Arabica and Robusta production protocols coupled with good extension facilitation by the participants who will be the Coffee Mentors that will enable the farmers to make sound decisions, adopt and apply best practices in coffee to increase its productivity.
Aside from the aforementioned topics participants were also toured to the production site of the Masiag Farmers’ Coffee Growers’ Association, the proponent group of the multi-million project of Sultan Kudarat and PRDP entitled Production and Marketing of Green Coffee Beans.
During the field tour, participants were taught on the proper field lay out, care and maintenance of farm, and pruning and rejuvenation techniques.
Also, coffee farmers were trained in proper post harvest activities, significantly the processing, at the Sultan Kudarat State University. (Carl Ulysses Aguillon, RPCO 12)