P388.77-M DA-PRDP Fund Brings Rural Development in Surigao Norte
The Province of Surigao del Norte has P388.77 million in allocated funds for its seven infrastructure and enterprise subprojects under the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP).
These subprojects include five (5) farm-to-market roads (FMR) worth P375.50 million with a combined length of 32.48 kilometers and have directly benefited 8,898 farming and fishing households. Four of these FMRs are already completed and one is still ongoing.
The LGUs that availed these said funds include the completed subprojects in Surigao City with one (1) FMR measuring 1.27 km worth P18.34 million; Gigaquit with one (1) FMR measuring 1.45km worth P13.58 million; Mainit with one (1) FMR measuring 18.40 km worth P217.90 million; Malimono with one (1) 6.5 km FMR worth P44.11 million; and the ongoing construction of one (1) FMR in Placer measuring 4.86 km worth P81.57 million.

Aerial shot of the concreting and rehabilitation of P217 million 18.4km Magsasay-Bobonaon Spur Sta. Cruz-Paco farm-to-market road (Photo by RPCO 13)
The other two (2) are enterprise subprojects amounting to a total of P13.26 million and benefit Mabini United Farmers Cooperative and Claver Coconut Farmers’ Multi-Purpose Cooperative with a total membership of 214 individuals.
These subprojects are still under implementation which covers the Banana Consolidation and Marketing worth P2.76 million in the Municipality of Placer, and the Geonet Production and Marketing worth P10.50 million in the Municipality of Claver.
PRDP is a six-year project that aims to achieve 5% increase per year in real household annual incomes of farmer and fisherfolk beneficiaries, 30% increase in incomes for targeted beneficiaries involved in enterprise development, 7% increase in the value of annual market output, and 20% increase in the number of farmers and fisherfolk with improved access to DA services. (Fretcher Magatao | RPCO 13)