North Luzon I-REAP team convenes for Q2 assessment, planning
By Ericson M. Guiao, PSO North Luzon Writer
To assess quarterly performance and set strategies for project implementation, the enterprise development component (I-REAP) of the DA – Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) North Luzon cluster gathered for second quarter assessment from July 30 – August 2, 2024 in Nueva Ecija.
During the four-day activity, the I-REAP teams of each regional project coordination office (RPCO) presented implementation updates on subprojects under the Second Additional Financing (AF2), on pipelined subprojects under Scale-Up, and updates on enterprise operations of completed subprojects.
Additionally, they presented the challenges, issues, and concerns they encountered both in the implementation and monitoring of subprojects.
As part of the strategic planning, the I-REAP teams underwent workshops. One for action setting for each of the key agreed action during the 17th World Bank Implementation Support Mission to PRDP, while workshop two includes strategizing to attain the component’s targets based on key result areas (KRAs) to ensure sustainability and planning workshop for the PRDP Scale-Up subproject generation based on existing criteria and other guidance.
Project Support Office (PSO) Planning Officer Cristy Ocampo presented the Regional Agri-Fishery Investment Portfolio (RAFIP) to orient the participants and guide them in generating potential projects to be funded under the Project Scale-Up.
Also, NPCO I-REAP Component Head Leny Garcia attended the assessment and planning activity to provide inputs and recommendations on the results of the workshops.
Also present were representatives from the I-BUILD component, Finance, and InfoACE Units. ###