Kalinga holds groundbreaking ceremony for a 13.2-km FMR in Pinukpuk
Pinukpuk, Kalinga – A ground breaking ceremony was held on March 8, 2017 in barangay Ammacian for the rehabilitation of the 13.2-kilometer Catabbogan-Wagud Farm-to-Market Road (FMR). Funded under the DA’s Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP), the ground breaking event officially got construction work underway.
“This is a dream come true for us ical-oans,” according to each chairman of the barangays covered by the FMR subproject, as they all expressed their pledges and commitments towards the Project.
“Nothing can express our happiness when we heard about this project and now that our long awaited dream has come, expect us – the barangay officials to back you up when problems arise,” expressed Hon. Johnny Mateo, Chairman of barangay Sacpil.
Popularly known as the Cal-oan Line in Kalinga, the Improvement of the Catabbogan-Wagud FMR covers six barangays (Catabbogan, Malagnat, Taggay, Ammacian, Wagud, and Sacpil of Conner Apayao) benefitting around 1,631 households with 8,662 populations.
Aside from ease of transportation and market access, the rehabilitation of the FMR is expected to enhance agricultural production and spur economic activities in the area.
As head start to road construction, the ground breaking ceremony as well served as an avenue of re-affirming commitments and roles in the project.
In full force, DA-CAR Regional Executive Director Lorenzo M. Caranguian together with PRDP Project Support Office (PSO) Deputy Project Director Elma Mananes and the whole bureaucracy of Kalinga Provincial and Municipal LGUs led by Governor Jocel C. Baac and Vice Governor James Edubba joined in the ceremony and re-affirmed their commitments in front of the beneficiaries, community elders, and other implementers present.
“With this rehabilitation, all products from the beneficiaries will be brought to the market center in a shorter span of time so let us support and give importance to this project,” said Dir. Caranguian in his message.
Prior to the blessing of the ground, Gov. Baac expressed his gratitude to the implementing partners and agencies, for their guidance and support in this endeavor.
“When we commit our undertakings, I am sure that this project will be completed in no time, and for as long as we support, this and for as long as we are guided” he said.
The FMR subproject costs P197, 669,399.91 shared by the World Bank (80%), the DA (10%) and the PLGU of Kalinga (10%). It is implemented under the PLGU of Kalinga and is expected to be completed by August of 2018. (Elvy S. Taquio, DA-PRDP CARPCO InfoACE Unit)