Initial steps taken towards VCA for Temperate Vegetables
Preliminary data has been gathered recently to effectively formulate a value chain map for temperate vegetables for Benguet Province.
The Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) Regional Project Coordinating Office (RPCO) thru the I-PLAN (Local and National Planning) component made this activity possible by gathering selected temperate vegetable producers, traders, support service providers, input dealers, local government officials and other stakeholders for an informal discussion with the hired consultant.
The said temperate vegetables are broccoli, carrots, sweet peas, cabbage, bell pepper, cauliflower, pole snap beans, chinese cabbage and lettuce.
“This data gathering activity, called mapping the value chain, aims to establish the current industry condition or situation of the said vegetables for the province”, said Susan Balanza, I-PLAN component Head. “It is a preliminary step in conducting a value chain analysis (VCA) for selected commodities,” she added.
The consultation focused on the identification of specific priority needs of the temperate vegetables that shall assist in the assessment of current situations formulation of future plans.
The informal discussion brought out personal opinions, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and behaviours affecting the value chain analysis of said temperate vegetables. Existing programs were likewise validated and needed policies and regulations were identified. Participants’ feedback and needs of the industry was also brought about and recorded.
Moreover, problems and possible solutions related to the industry were brought about by the participants themselves.
“This activity is one of the strategies under the I-PLAN component so that activities may be focused on the weak links in the value chain to be developed,” Balanza added.
“The result of this activity shall be among the inputs of the value chain analysis for temperate vegetables. After gathering the said data, another meeting shall be held by the same group to validate the data gathered. We need complete and correct data on each of the segments to come up with correct analysis of the value chain to be formulated,” she added.
The VCA is a sequence of activities required from production to marketing to produce a product or to provide a service. Its framework aims to equalize income opportunities and promote more efficient linkages among producers, processors, marketing channels, and consumers.
PRDP adopts the VCA approach to guide local government units and other key stakeholders in the crafting of their infrastructure and investment plans. (Mabel Zabala, RPCO-CAR InfoACE Unit)