Ifugao farmers’ cooperative receives PhP13.98 million worth coffee enterprise from DA-PRDP
The Hojap Multi-Purpose Cooprative (HMPC) moved one step closer to expanding its coffee business, following the inauguration and turnover of the improved PhP4.49 million worth coffee consolidation and processing center on July 23, 2021 in Asipulo, Ifugao.
Implemented under the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP), the existing building of HMPC, located at Barangay Haliap, was improved with the addition of two floors to support the enterprise subproject on coffee processing and marketing.
The said facility was originally constructed under the DA – High Value Crops Development Program (HDCVP) in 2015.
Also included in the improvement of the enterprise subproject are the addition of two satellite buying stations, with a total cost of PhP3.55 million. The buying stations, located at Barangays Pula and Camandag, will facilitate easier consolidation of coffee, especially from the distant barangays of Asipulo.
Additionally, HMPC received two hauling trucks and several coffee making tools and equipment from the DA-PRDP, amounting to a total of PhP5.88 million.
During the turnover program, HMPC manager Shirley U. Tagtag expressed her gratitude to the cooperative’s partner agencies for the numerous assistance they received in terms of trainings, product development, facilities and equipment, among others.
“We now have 1,500 members and a total asset of PhP131 million. This processing center and all the other facilities and equipment will surely help in the realization of the goals of this enterprise project to increase farm productivity and income of coffee growers, improve the Ifugao coffee competitiveness, and strengthen and develop a viable robusta coffee enterprise,” Tagtag said.
Tagtag further said that they were able to consolidate around 50 kilograms of dried robusta coffee berries that are currently stored at their postharvest facility and at the buying stations.
“Despite the challenges that we are currently facing in this time of pandemic, we are continuously providing production support to our coffee grower members such as the Coffee Production Loan and product development trainings,” she added.
DA-CAR Regional Technical Director and PRDP Regional Deputy Project Director Danilo P. Daguio, in his message, congratulated the HMPC for the inauguration of their enterprise subproject after six years since the submission and approval of their proposal.
“With the completion of this project, and turnover of the facilities to the HOJAP MPC, the living conditions of farmers here are seen to improve as their coffee products will now be processed and marketed properly. It doesn’t stop with the turnover of this project for this is only the start of more challenges that your cooperative will soon encounter,” Director Daguio said.
DA-PRDP Project Support Office (PSO) North Luzon Deputy Project Director Elma S. Mananes also urged the HMPC to develop and sustain their enterprise subproject, as they poured in a lot of effort together with the Local Government Unit (LGU) and the DA-PRDP for realization of the subproject.
“Six years is indeed a long journey but this is only the beginning because we still need to take care of this project, give it importance, develop it, and show everyone that we are deserving of this blessing to help improve the livelihood of our farmers,” Director Mananes said.
James Damoyan, Executive Assistant to the Governor of Ifugao, also commended the members and officers of HMPC for the successful realization of their long-awaited dream, adding that the cooperative should continue to upgrade their venture to become more competitive.
“With this project, we are now given bigger responsibilities and challenges from the coffee growers as our suppliers and also from our consumers to have a competitive product,” Damoyan expressed.
Shared by the World Bank (60% Loan Proceeds), the DA (20%), and the PLGU of Ifugao (20%), the total investment cost for the Ifugao Coffee Processing and Marketing Enterprise is around PhP13.98 million, excluding the additional equity shouldered by the HMPC as the Proponent Group (PG) of the enterprise subproject. ### Elvy T. Estacio (DA-PRDP)