Ground breaking ceremony held for 1st PRDP project in Mt. Province
Mabaay, Bauko, Mt. Province – Following ground breaking rites on March 4, 2017, a P65M worth road rehabilitation project will be constructed here.
“The Improvement of Banata-Sumey-ang-Sadsadan Farm-to-Market Road (FMR) is the first subproject to be implemented in Mt. Province under the DA’s Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP),” said Engr. Danilo P. Daguio, Deputy Project Director of PRDP Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) in CAR. “We are happy that this 5.6 kilometer road officially starts implementation,” Daguio added.
On hand to lower the capsule and to shove the ceremonial ground breaking were top officials of Mt. Province led by Governor BonifacioLacwasan, followed by the RPCO Team led by Engr. Daguio, barangay officials from directly affected areas, elder leader representatives and concluded by representatives from the contracting firm, the 3K Rock Engineering.
Gov. Lacwasan narrated that it took two years for the subproject to be approved, and thanked the PRDP for the more than P300 million I-BUILD (Infrastructure Development) funding provided for this subproject.
Addressing the barangay leaders, constituents and others present, Gov. Lacwasan urged everyone involved to support the implementation of PRDP projects.
“How can we acquire development funds if we do not support these funding projects?” he said. “Mt. Province is one of the top producers of agricultural products and old farmers complain that they turned into hunchbacks due to their hardships brought about by carrying their products to sell from one barangay to another. We need to improve these roads, so let us support it,” Lacwasan said.
Moreover, Engr. Daguio heaped inspiring words invoking also the cooperation of one and all “since this is the first subproject to be implemented under the PRDP in Mt. Province, it ought to be implemented properly,” he said.
Engr. Daguio also hinted that there are other million-peso infra projects as well as enterprises that are being cooked up for implementation in the next months to help ease the constraints impeding the production of quality coffee in the province under the DA-PRDP. (Mabel Zabala, DA-PRDP CARPCO InfoACE Unit)