GEF’s Typhoon Odette response reaps 864 kilos of milkfish in MPA management body
To support DA-PRDP-GEF’s major objective which is to strengthen the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity in targeted project areas, the GEF Unit has conducted an “ – ” by establishing a Milkfish Culture in Cage. It was implemented in marine protected area es of Asinan, Cataban, Guindacpan, Bilangbilangan East, Hingotanan West, Sinandigan, Aguining and Saguise in the Province of Bohol.
Through this, the DA-PRDP GEF hopes to strengthen the capacity of these MPA Management Bodies in terms of resource management, enterprise development, stakeholders’ collaboration and networking to build a community of environment protectors. More specifically, this activity-project is aimed at (1) providing additional and/or alternative source of income to the marginalize fishermen; (2) improving skills, knowledge and competencies of MPA actors in aquamarine farming systems to boost their productivity and promote entrepreneurial culture; (3) reducing fishing pressure therefore providing an avenue for fish stocks to recover and (4) improving and sustaining MPA protection thru the provision of enterprise opportunities as an income generating option for MPA management body.
The operationalized Milkfish Culture in Cage is also part of DA-PRDP GEF’s Typhoon Odette response to affected areas in the Visayas.
On September 7-8, the PSO Visayas together with the RPCO 7 led by Deputy Project Director Engr. Jose Albert Barrogo and Deputy Project Director Engr. Cirilo N. Namoc respectively, visited and joined during the harvest of milkfish.
The site visited in Guindacpan, Talibon was able to post a total harvest of 1,155 kilos of milkfish.