Ensuring long term impact: RPCO 8 conducts training workshop on O&M and OMAS for rural infrastructure projects
Various engineers and finance staff from the different Provincial Local Government Units of Samar, Eastern Samar and Southern Leyte have participated in the Training and Workshop on Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and Operation and Maintenance Audit System (OMAS) conducted by the Regional Project Coordination Office-8 I-BUILD component.
“PRDP wants to ensure the quality of the projects implemented especially that we are following specific guidelines,” Dr. Jenny Lyn R. Almeria, RPCO 8 Deputy Project Director highlighted.
Director Almeria shared that RPCO 8 wishes to impart to the PLGUs the expertise and necessities of O&M so they can also be of help in maintaining the infrastructure projects.
“We want to make sure that even the projects have been completed roads are still worthy because the partner LGU commits to have it maintained,” she added.
The resident Rural Infrastructure Engineers have individually presented the five main topics such as “What and Why O&M,” “Who will Implement the O&M Plan,” “When to Apply the O&M,” “How to Do O&M,” and the “Formulation of O&M Re-Entry Plan.” After which, a workshop took place where the participants were tasked to draft their own O&M Re-entry Plan.
On the third day of the training, the participants were brought for a field visit to one DA-PRDP subproject, the Rehabilitation/Improvement of Cogon-Mabini Farm-to-Market Road in Basey, Samar. They were also tasked of an actual conduct of OMAS of the said project.
“These exercises will help you better understand the O&M which you can share on how to apply it in your respective LGUs,” Director Almeria said.
In the end, participants presented their observations in the Cogon-Mabini FMR as part of their activity. They have also raised suggestions which can help in conducting OMAS in their provinces such as the formulation of their localized Operations and Maintenance Audit Team (OMAT). (Jennina June Leira Brosas, RPCO 8, Writer)