DPD Arnel de Mesa deepens orientation of Tarlac officials on PRDP
Govenor Victor Yap led a group of Tarlac province’s Board Members and Municipal Agriculturists during an orientation on the PRDP held in Tarlac City last February 17, 2014. The delegation was seeking a clearer understanding of the Program’s operational concerns and requirements, particularly in the selection of commodities to be supported by the program.
NPCO Deputy Program Director Arnel de Mesa provided a formal presentation and fielded answers to questions from the governor and party. He stressed the need for proper prioritization of commodities and for a Value Chain Analysis (VCA) of any commodity to be supported by the program. The results of the VCA would serve as basis for proposing interventions in Provincial Commodities Investment Plans (PCIP).
The Provincial Program Management Implementing Unit (PPMIU) of Tarlac, created in 2013 thru the governor’s Executive Order, has initially identified sweet potato, goat, mungbean and garlic as priority commodities. It is currently in a self-initiated process of preparing a VCA for sweet potato in order to fast-track PCIP preparation and program implementation.