DA-PRDP staff leads tree planting activity in Banaue
The Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Regional Project Coordination Office-CAR spearheaded a tree planting activity along the completed Viewpoint-San Fernando Farm-to-Market Road (FMR) subproject in Banaue, Ifugao from October 5 to 6, 2022.
This is in support of the implementation of the Banaue Municipal LGU’s Tree Replacement Plan in compliance with the findings of the World Bank during the previous Implementation Support Mission to the DA-PRDP. Likewise, the conduct of tree planting activities along the subproject site is also part of the conditions set by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) with the Tree Cutting Permit issuance before the road improvement.
Around 60 personnel from the DA-PRDP Regional, North Luzon Cluster, and National offices, Ifugao provincial LGU, and Banaue municipal LGU participated in the tree planting activity along with representatives from the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Philippine Army, Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) Lamut, and Gohang Developers Pinugo Organization, Inc. (GDPOI).
Prior to the tree planting activity, a brief program was held to inform the participants on the rationale behind the activity and provide tips in proper tree planting.
Banaue Municipal Administrator Felipe Lacbawan welcomed the participants and emphasized the importance of tree planting in climate mitigation.
“With the recent flash floods experienced in Banaue, tree planting is indeed one form of activity that will prevent similar events to happen in the future,” said Lacbawan.
As he oriented the participants on some tips in proper tree planting, David Hangdaan from the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO)-Lamut, stressed the importance of maintaining balance in our ecosystem.
“If we destroyed something, we need to replace it to maintain our forest, our ecosystem,” said Hangdaan.
With the two-day tree planting activity, more than 4,000 seedlings of various trees were planted such as gutmu, betel nut, and alnus.
Since the completion of the FMR subproject, tree planting activities were also previously spearheaded by the municipal LGU of Banaue and also the CENRO, since the FMR project is covered by the Forest Management Plan (FMP) of the DENR.
GDPOI President Maria Nayusan claimed that several enrichment planting activities were held in the forest areas along the subproject through the DENR’s FMP implementation.
A symbolic tree planting was also led by DA-RFO-CAR Field Operations Division Chief Virginia A. Tapat and RPCO-CAR I-BUILD Component Head Engr. Gaston B. Cael, to conclude the tree planting activity that was conducted.
Cael said that the Tree Replacement Plan of the MLGU Banaue can be a basis for other LGUs to follow. He further expressed his optimism on the continuity of such activities to sustain our environment.
Engr. Antonio Gayumma of the MLGU Banaue also stressed the role of every individual to protect and maintain the environment. He further expressed his gratitude to the participants from various agencies and especially from the People’s Organization, the GDPOI, for giving their time and effort in the successful tree planting activity.
Meanwhile, the CENRO-Lamut expressed their gratitude to the DA-PRDP and to the MLGU for their efforts in complying their agreement to replace the trees that were affected during the road improvement.
The Provincial LGU through its agriculture office, committed to provide 2,000 coffee seedlings to be planted in Banaue.
As part of the mandates of the DA-PRDP in terms of Social and Environmental Safeguards (SES), tree planting activities are being conducted in subproject sites not only in compliance with the issued Tree Cutting Permits, but also as a commitment of the project to ensure environmental sustainability and forest protection. (Elvy Taquio-Estacio, Writer – RPCO-Car InfoACE Unit)