DA-PRDP reviews proposed 26-km Masinloc, Zambales FMR
By Ram Bill G. Bautista, RPCO3 Writer
The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Central Luzon Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO 3) extended technical assistance to the local government unit of Masinloc, Zambales for their proposed improvement of the 26-kilometer Baloganon-Sitio Coto, Taltal farm-to-market road (FMR) and construction of 11 bridges held on July 31-August 2, 2024 in Angeles City, Pampanga.
The activity aims to expedite the review and compliance of documentary requirements for the funding of their proposed PhP750 million FMR under the DA-PRDP Scale Up. The said proposal will be reviewed and put under deliberation of the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) and cleared for the issuance of the No Objection Letter 1 (NOL 1).
The FMR traverses Barangays Baloganon, Taltal, and Tapuac. It is set to benefit approximately 15,000 residents including 1,500 rice farmers and mango and livestock growers.
The improvement of the FMR and construction of bridges are expected to reduce the travel time and transportation cost of goods of local farmers. It would also give residents easier access to essential services including the students and teachers and boost the growing tourism in the area.
This proposal is going under the review of the RPCO 3, North Luzon Project Support Office, and the NPCO spearheaded by the I-BUILD or infrastructure development component. ###