DA-PRDP North Luzon holds cluster-wide training on enhanced VCA prep
As part of the effort to effectively operationalize the new and improved ways of planning preparation and processes integrated into the I-PLAN Operations Manual, the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Project Support Office (PSO) North Luzon held a cluster-wide capacity development training on the Climate Resilient Agro-Oriented Industry Value Chain Analysis (I-VCA) from August 7-11, 2023 in Baguio City.
The said training aimed at capacitating the planning officers in the cluster on the enhanced VCA preparation and updating processes, enabling them to effectively implement the new protocols and plans in the project implementation.
It also supports the objective of mainstreaming the Commodity System Investment Plans (CsIP) into the DA regular planning systems and continuously strengthening planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation at the LGU level.
Members of the Capacity Development Team (CDT) from the PSO and Regional Project Coordination Office levels led the series of discussions on the various topics and processes of I-VCA, with each topic followed by an exercise for participants to work on and present afterwards.
Some of the topics discussed include value chain mapping, the nature of interfirm relationships, price and cost structure, multi-factor risk assessment, markets and market opportunities, formulating VC upgrading strategies, and constraints and opportunities, among others.
To provide support for this activity, planning officers from the National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) I-PLAN Component also participated in the activity and gave further discussion and clarifications to any concerns raised therein.
PSO I-PLAN Component Head, William Valdez, in his message, said that such training on I-VCA is important for planners to be well-equipped and prepared, especially in the approaching implementation of the PRDP Scale-Up.
“This capacity development training is an opportune time for us to expand our skills and knowledge to efficiently and effectively perform our duties in implementing sub-projects across the four regions along with other components as the Project scales up. We could use the skills and knowledge we can gain to further strengthen our collaboration with our partner stakeholders and key players in the value chain,” he said.
The training was participated in by PRDP I-PLAN consultants together with regular personnel from RPCOs 1, 2, 3, & CAR. ### (Ericson Guiao, PSO NL InfoACE)