DA-PRDP holds knowledge-sharing workshop for PGs and LGU counterparts
Engaging project beneficiaries and implementing partners in generating, managing, and sharing of knowledge is relevant to the improvement of project implementation and productivity.
Thus, as part of the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rural Development Project’s (DA-PRDP) Knowledge Management Action Plan to strengthen its collaboration with Proponent Groups (PGs) and its LGU counterparts, a knowledge-sharing workshop was conducted from September 28 to 29, 2022 in Baguio City.
The purpose of the workshop was to share and discuss the lessons learned and the good practices employed by the PGs and the Provincial/Municipal Project Management and Implementing Unit (P/MPMIU) I-REAP Focal Persons in the planning and post-implementation of enterprise development subprojects under the DA-PRDP.
It was further intended to discuss modalities for collaboration and exchange of knowledge among the participants with a view of maximizing results of funded enterprise development subprojects in support to the attainment of the DA-PRDP’s objectives and targets.
Around 40 representatives of 13 PGs and P/MPMIU I-REAP Focal Persons from the provinces of Benguet, Mountain Province, and Ifugao participated in the event. Representatives from the component and support units of the DA-PRDP national, cluster, and regional offices steered the facilitation and documentation of the sharing activities.
In his message, DA RFO-CAR Regional Executive Director and PRDP Regional Project Director Cameron P. Odsey emphasized the role of the PGs in the sustainability of their enterprise subprojects even without the DA-PRDP.
“The PRDP is at the phase of planning for its phasing out and you take a greater role in implementing your projects as we are slowly phasing in the PRDP’s strategies and activities into our regular programs,” expressed Odsey.
As part of the workshop, topics focusing on the importance of generating and sharing knowledge, a brief retracing of the PRDP I-REAP processes that were undertaken, identifying lessons learned and good/best practices, and building a Community of Practice were tackled.
In completing the activities during the two-day knowledge-sharing workshop, the participants were grouped according to commodity and all outputs were presented which elicited feedback/discussions among the participants and facilitators.
Mary Jane S. Tumapang from the PPMIU of Mountain Province expressed that she now understands why some PGs had difficulties in complying with requirements before, or why it was tough for them to implement certain facets of their enterprises – and it’s because they are experiencing varied challenges within their associations/cooperatives as well.
“The challenges and the learnings that the PGs have presented in this two-day workshop have given me a comprehensive understanding on the things that still needs to be done to successfully implement and for the sustainability of their enterprises,” said Tumapang.
She added that even if the PGs represent different commodities, the innovations and the good practices that they employ in their cooperatives can be replicated.
Likewise, Vincent Andawi of the Sagada Arabica Coffee Growers and Processors Organization (SACGPO) shared that the insights, challenges, and practices shared by the associations and cooperatives are emulating and worth adopting.
“Good coffee and good thinking go together, a lot of things have been shared and heard, but there are still good stories that needs to be told and two days is not enough,” said Andawi, adding that knowledge-sharing engagements should be conducted on a regular basis.
A similar activity will also be conducted with the PGs and LGU partners from the provinces of Kalinga, Apayao, and Abra. Elvy Taquio Estacio (RPCO-CAR)